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Dear reader,
Thank you soooooooooooooooooo much for taking the time to give my story a chance! Please remember that I am not a professional so their will probably be a lot of mistakes along the way but I am open to constructive criticism. I originally didn't want to upload this story because it is extremely far from being finished but I promise I will update whenever I can. I don't have a set schedule yet but will try to set up one ASAP!! Also, please do not be misled by the description. This is not a teacher/student story. Nymara's male interest is a teacher AID *hands tissues to the crying girls in the back* yes yes I know some of us loooove those stories but unfortunately this is not one. However, although I am not done developing the plot for book 1 of this series yet I can ensure that it will have a bit of everything so fear not.

#1 My characters will not be perfect and please keep in mind that the views and/or attitudes of these fictional characters are not my own. This book is solely a work of fiction and I apologize in advance if anyone is offended by anything.

#2 this whole story is an original creation so please do not copy or write anything inspired :)))

Thank you so much for reading, I appreciate it tremendously.

The Shadow Series: book 1Where stories live. Discover now