The life of Jessabell Reed

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so none of my stories are finished, this one is just for fun so it may not ever be finished if it isn't don't say i didn't warn you.


  She starts to walk home carrying the bags of groceries, no more like limps home. She walks (limps) through the door, she trips and ends up breaking a bottle of red wine. When the bottle breaks three people run in. One was tall, with dark brown almond shaped eyes, olive skin (quite large mucels) and curly brown hair. The others looked identical, medium hieght, olive skin, cruly black hair, the only difference between the two was well A: one of them were female the others were male, B: The girl had bright violet round eyes the male had dark brown roundish eyes. Now back to the her, she has dark brown curly hair, which she always wears up in a tight bun on her head, she has olive skin, light brown eyes, big round eyes, with thick lushes eyelashes. Even with her tan complexion she looks very pale right now, she scrambles to clean up the broken glass while the other three which had just entered the room, just stood and watched. She finely stands up only to be pushed back down by the other female, soon after the males started to beat on her stomach, and shoulders, and any place with showing skin. Later when the groceries are put away, the glass is cleaned from the hallway, the others are in bed asleep as fast as can be, she slowly walks upstairs each step bringing her agony. She enters her room and crawls into her bed. She looks up at her ceiling at a picture of her and her mother, on the picture was written Mom&Jessabell on a day full of fun. She blinks away a tear, blows a kiss to her deceased mother and falls into a restless sleep....

                                                                              chapter one

I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock...grrrr. I start to whack the hell out of it, yet I keep missing. I finely just rip the cord out of the wall. My name is Jessabell Avril Jones. I live in a huge mansion at the end of town.  It's a old creepy thing, with a 6ft rusty gate surrounding it. It's one of those places you'd tell ghost story's about, around a camp fire. I crawl out of my warm bed and slowly walk to my bathroom. Now your probably wondering how I could afford to live in a place like this. Well I don't. My brothers do, you see when I was much younger around the age of 4 or 5. Both of my parents died, in a plane accident. They were on their way home from Japan. One of the engines caught on fire and they went spiraling into the ocean. I am now the age of fifteen, I guess its been ten years since that incident. I have two older brothers and an older sister. I have Luke, The oldest out of all of us ( he was twelve when mom and dad died) he is 22 years old, very brawny and muscular. Then there is Josh, he's only a little older then me he is age 17. His twin, Abilina is the same age of course. Luke works at a local car auto repair shop just downtown. It's actually such a small town you could walk pretty much walk every where. People really didn't have a need for cars, other then to show off of course. After I take a warm shower, and I get dressed. I slowly creep down the stairs, careful not to wake anyone. I start on breakfast, wich is eggs, frech toast, waffles, bacon, turkey bacon, and toast. Then I hear footsteps thumping down the stairs. It is Abilina and Josh. They have a very strong relationship. They share a room even though there is tons to choose from, they prefer it that way. They snuggle, they cuddle each other, they have cute nicknames. But the weird thing is I think I've seen them kiss before. Mutiple times actually. Though they never do it straight in front of anybody's face, i think I've seen it. Anyways They sit down on the bar stools in front of the island that I'm currently cooking on. 

 " Whatever it is your cooking it smells great." Abilina says she's always been the kind one. I tell her what I'm cooking, she replies with a "Yum." Josh for some odd reason pulls her close to his side, I don't know how much closer she could possibly get to him but okay. Then Luke thumps down the stairs. Now this house is old, very old. Our ancectors built this house with their bare hands. But out of all the people living here, only Luke can make the floorboards creek with every step he takes. Luke enters the kitchen swiping a peice of turkey bacon, by mistake. After spitting it out in the trash, Luke asks me

"What is this?!" I stiffle a giggle.

"Turkey bacon." I replied with a smile.

"Honestly, brick how can you tell the difference? Me and Josh can't." Says Abilina (brick is her nickname for him, since hes so brawny and strong an all)

"Yeah cause you guys have never even tasted pork." Luke says back with a victorious grin.

"Yeah, yeah whatever!" Abilina replies back, then we all just laugh. That would be the best day of my life. Because after that, everything changed.

The life of Jessabell Reedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें