Vampires Were Not Suppose to be Part of My College Experience (5)

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Hey promised here is the 5th part of Vampires Were Not Suppose to be Part of My College Experience....formerly known as Fantasy Meets Reality....I hope you like it. Also I am shooting for atleast 10 please vote!!!! Thanks love you guys!!!

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Chance's POV

Damn. Did she just head butt me? Seriously? I watched her scramble away from me and run like hell toward the dorms. I started to run after her when all of a sudden she hit the ground.

"Cadence?" I said running to her, "are you ok?"

She was out cold. I brushed her blonde hair away from her tear stained face. I think that if I was able to cry, I would have broken down right then and there. I scooped her up into my arms and headed back to my car.

I reached my car and gently laid her in the passenger seat. I got into the driver side and raced toward the manor.

I slammed the gear shift into park and ran around the car. I looked at Cadence who was still completely out. I picked her up and took her inside and laid her on the leather couch.

"Who the hell is that, and what is she doing here?" I heard Addie say

I sighed in annoyance, "Not now Addie, I'm busy"

"She shouldn't be here, Daddy will not be pleased."

"I understand that, but I didn't have a choice." I said trying to justify myself

"So who is she?" she nagged again

"Her name is Cadence,"


"And, she's special to me, ok" I said getting impatient. "Can you make yourself useful and go get a wet washcloth?"

Addie looked at me in fury and stormed off toward the kitchen.

"Cadence?" I said softly "Cadence. Can you hear me?"

"Here," huffed Addie and handed me the cloth and stormed off

I placed it on her forehead. She stirred a little bit.


She murmured something that I couldn't understand and she slowly opened her eyes.


Her eyes got real wide and she bolted upright.

"Calm down, I can explain everything, I promise. But please, just calm down, you passed out, I think you might have a concussion. You did hit me pretty hard." I joked a little on that last part in hopes of easing the tension

"Where am I?" she finally spoke

"I brought you to my home."

"So, what exactly is going on?" she said

So, I told her everything. I told her about how I felt drawn to her when I first saw her. About her last name and the research I did. The painting of Princess Catalina and how that was when I realized that she was Catalina's daughter, and she was the next heir to the throne. And that was how the bouncer at the club knew who she was.

Cadence sat on the couch, eyes bigger than a full moon, and her mouth hung open. I waited for her to speak.

"So, that's why the bouncer apologized to me when I got to the club and ushered me through so quickly, and I swear he maybe even bowed a little bit." She said thoughtfully

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