Back to 'normal'

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It has been a few weeks since (y/n) came back to a regular life. She recooperated well enough to be back cheering.
She got caught up with Dash who hasn't really payed attention to her. But then again, she didn't pay attention to him. She caught up with all her missing work, surprisingly.

The first day she came back, she was thrilled! She missed her friends so much! The first to approach her was Danny. He gave her a big hug making sure that she was alright.
(Y/n) just smiled and said she was perfectly fine because it was true! They got a few shocked looks from the students around them. But they didn't care. She felt amazing being back at school.

Now back to today, which is different than her usual routine.

She meets up with Paulina at her locker, part ways, go to class, and she sits by her friends. But NOT next to Dash. She earns a shocked look from her friends,and a pained one from Dash. She ignores them and instead she says, "Hey Danny! Come sit over here!" She said as she motion to the seat next to hers.

Danny's POV

"Hey Danny! Come sit over here!"


Is she being serious?!?!

Little Danny Fenton me,sitting next to the popular kids?!

Mind. Freaking. Blown.

I hear a gasp come from her crowd and mine. Which is Sam and Tucker.
They give me a look telling me to not go, I was about to say no thanks. But then I felt two soft hands grab mine,and next thing I know, I'm being pulled out of my chair and into the one next to (y/n)'s. It was (y/n) who brought me!

"There ya go, seems like you had a little trouble standing up." She said to me with a wink.

I returned a smile,and I saw Dash grit his teeth from the corner of my eye.
I shrugged him off and smiled at (y/n).

As the crowd got a little more comfortable of me being there, they started talking to me. They were actually really cool! (Y/N) was smiling and talking along.

Every once in a while, I would glance back at Sam and Tucker, and they would roll their eyes at me.


It's not like I had a choice... but I like it here anyway.

Sam's POV

"Is he serious?!" I said breaking another one of Tucker's pens from his collection of pens.

"I bet he thinks he's sooooo cool now. He completely forgot about us! He won't even invite us over there." I said as I angrily broke one of his red pens as he was crying on the inside.

Okay, so, Danny is our best friend. And my crush...
Friends are supposed to stick together, right?
He can't just not invite us over there.

"Sam! Calm down! He's just sitting with some friends right now, okay?" Tucker said as he cradled the pen pieces from the pens I broke.

"I think it's that girl (y/n). I feel something off about her. Because you know how we usually make friends but they end up being fake or ghosts or something? Well,now a POPULAR is trying to be Danny's friend! Who knows what'll happen! She's probably working for a ghost to get to him!"I said dramatically putting my arms up.

Tucker just snickered.

"You're jealous."

"No I'm not."

"You're jealous."


All of a sudden, everyone's eyes were on me. I glanced over to Danny as he whispered something to (y/n). I saw her nod with that happy little smile of hers. Danny came back to his seat next to us and the class went back to normal.

"Uh,Sam? You okay?" Danny said tilting his head.

"Yeah, she's okay. She's just jeal-"

I quickly elbowed Tucker in the ribs and he let out a cry of pain.

"Jello! I'm so craving jello right now. I was jealous of Tucker's jello." I said quickly.

"Riiiiiight." Danny said clearly not believing me

SORRY THIS CHAPTER IS CUT SHORT. I really don't feel well :(
Thank you for the reads and comments!
I'll update tomorrow hopefully!
Byeeeeeee my looooooves!

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