Chapter Two

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When I woke up, the nurse was sitting next to me dressed in her street clothes. "Good morning," she said smiling up at me.

"Morning, how long have you been sitting there?" I asked not wanting to have taken up too much of her time since it seems like she's off the clock.

"Oh, I don't know, couple of minutes maybe. It really wasn't that long." She paused for a second. Her light brown hair was down which was so beautiful that I wish that I could reach my hand out and play with it. "I just came back to tell you that my shift is over. I'm working tonight as well, so I'll pop in and check on you even though you're not really in the E.R. division anymore. That is if you want me too."

"Yes, I would love that." She blushed at that while also letting a light chuckle out. "I mean that it would be great to have a beautiful nurse, that I no idea what her name is, to break up my terrible stay at a hospital."

"Oh, okay." She got up and turned to leave before she turned back around and said, "My name is Annabella but everyone calls me Anna, by the way, Kristopher."

I let out another chuckle. I felt my cheeks heat up. Oh man, am I blushing? "What a perfect name for such a beautiful person," those words just slipped out of my mouth. I did mean what I did say though.

"Goodbye, Kristopher, I'll see you later tonight."

"Bye Annabella," I said as she left.

I laid my heavy head back onto my pillow hoping that she'd just come back. I fell back asleep waiting for the time that Annabella comes back.


When I got into my tiny apartment, I collapsed on my couch and turned out my television. It was already on the news channel so I watched the boring reports falling asleep, until I heard the person say "Kris Bryant from the Chicago Cubs suffered from a very nasty blow to his face by a 101 fastball..." My focus went instantly to the broadcast instead of sleeping.

The words that the broadcasters were saying meant nothing to me, so I just basically watched the video of Kris getting hit hard in his face. I cringed every single time that they played the video from different views. But I did finally fall asleep once they moved the picture back to them.

When I woke up, I quickly took a shower and got something to eat before I had to leave.

Once at work, however, I couldn't stop in and see Kris at first since I got couple of people in the E.R. that I had to attend too, but after the first hour there I quickly sneaked over to his room. He was laying in his bed watching the Cubs game on his T.V. on mute.

He didn't notice that I was there, so I decided to say, "Wow, you take a Cub from the Cub's game, but you can't take a Cub's game from a Cub."

Kris's head slowly whipped toward my direction. "Oh Annabella, I have been waiting for you to pop in. Truthfully, I thought that you already forgot about me, sealing me into the fate of suffering here all alone." I knew that he was being extremely dramatic, but I couldn't help but to laugh at that.

"I'm not that great, really. It looks like you found something else to do to spend your time." I nodded my head toward the screen.

"That's just some background noise. Don't worry we have a month left in the season, so I'll still have plenty of baseball once I get back." His eyes stayed on me as I pretended that I was checking on him. "So Annabella, do you enjoy hiding in here while you're supposed to be out there working?"

I looked at me with a 'really' look on my face. "Trust me, I won't be in here that much longer."

"No, that's not what I meant. I want you to be in here as long as I can."

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