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I'm in the middle of my dream when I feel linwoo's arm hug me tighter.

Witout opening my eyes, I hug her too. But–

Why I can feel her breathes was warm?

I trace her arm and


Why she got BICIEPS?!?!

" WHHOOO! "I shout out

" Whaaa "


" Ouch~ "I said.

I drop on the floor when I saw Hyunwoo hugging me.

" Linhee? LINHEE? A-ARE YOU OKAY?!?!! "He immediatly help me to stand

I push him away," Why you're in my room! "I shout

" .... Amm... Becau..... "He can't speak

" Why?! "I said and stand

" Yah~ Its your fault too "He said

My Fault?!?!

" Huh? What are you saying?! "I said

" You didn't say where I will sleep? ",he said

" ......... "I didn't reply

" So? Why are you blaming me? "He said

" Aish! "I pass him and walks throungh the door and go downstairs

I spotted Jooheon hugging Jinhyuk in the kitchen while cooking," Amm... Good Morning "I said

Jooheon immediatly release his hug to Jinhyuk and they both look at me," Oh? Good Morning Linhee~ We buy some food for breakfast. Sorry for using your utensils "Jinhyuk said

" Its okay~ although you prepare my breakfast "I joked

" Hahaha Yeah~ "Jinhyuk said

I help them for our breakfast. I prepare the plates, forks, spoons and napkins

After I preparing, I go to the backyard. I caught Hyunwoo playing with Linwoo, Hunhyuk and Jinnie.

" Breakfast is ready guys! Get in before we eat breakfast for lunch time! "I said

" Okay Umma! "Linwoo shout and run toward me

" Let's eat "I said

While on the middle of our food, Linwoo starts a topic

" Umma? Where are we planning for today? "Linwoo asked

" I'm not planning for "I said

" I just really want to with you all day Jagi~ "I said

" Umma~ I want to go out "She said

" I don't have any Idea where we going "I said

Suddenly Jooheon snapped," Liheasfgsjdkh "

" Yah~ Don't speak whe youre mouth is full "Jinhyuk said

" Okay Okay~ Why don't you guys join with us? We have tickets for a famous resort here in busan? "jooheon said

" But– "I said

" Ummaaaa~ Jebal "Linwoo pleaded

I look at Hyunwoo. I caught him staring at me, then we look away.

" So? Yes or no? Hyunwoo-hyung? "Jooheon asked

" Its okay for me "He said

" Linhee? "

Falling In Luv again to my Daughter's Appa ✔ || Monsta X ShownuOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant