Chpt # Freaking Shard

Start from the beginning

"Louis!! Are you alright? " I heard the voices of the few.

I opened my eyes. I was still on the ground, and there I scanned the room for a bit. There were shards of glass on the floor, I could see many boots of people----uck... how disgusting my face could be touching so many germs by now-- Jean was being held by Marco, and trainees were crying, underneath the tables. So they must be the supply team.

Two big arms helped me up. They motioned me to sit down, and then I heard voices of shock and worry.

"Louis? Are you alright? We have to treat you right away!" Then, I heard Reiner's voice.

Treat me?

That bastard, always acting like the big brother of the group, I just fell down--

I paused from my thought when I took the time to look at myself. On my right shoulder, I found a big glass shard deeply pierced through my skin.

Then Shinamy came into view, checking my face and injury, "Bahahaha, you good?" she laughed at me.

I huffed in reply. It's not like this was the first time I got injured. Things can't get any better, can't they?

"Everyone duck!"

In a split second, the wall was destroyed, and it shook the castle enough for people to fall down.

Shinamy held unto me tightly so I wouldn't hurt myself even more. I groaned in pain. I felt the impact of my wound now that the adrenaline in my body slowly faded.

"I'll carry her up, we better get inside!"

Without understanding what was going on, I was lifted up in the air and now carried by the same big arms earlier. I looked up to the person and noticed his short trimmed blonde hair and his arched eyebrows.

"What...what are you doing?" I asked without thinking.

"I can't leave you here? I'm a soldier I should help my comrades," he replied.

I stood quiet at that point. I didn't know why I even asked such an odd question. Everyone was desperately running inside. If I was left there, I would have been trampled over already.

The situation I was in. Made me feel pathetic. I wonder how people in the underground would think if they saw me like this. If my brother saw me....would he be disappointed?----

Weird...why do I have to think about him.


"How much do you guys know about that titan?" Reiner asked Connie.

I quietly listened to Reiner and Connie's conversation. They talked about this titan who didn't care about eating humans but only wanted to kill the titans it sees. Quite absurd in my perspective.

"I'm back! The others were able to find the medical supply in this big-ass place. How ya feeling?" Shinamy came with the supplies she needed to treat me.

I was at the back, sitting on a crate and leaning beside a pillar. The shard was still stuck in my shoulder. Even though it was painful I had to keep it in, since it's the only thing slowing my bleeding.

"Been worse..." I replied nonchalantly while pressing the side of the wound with a cloth.

Shinamy just chuckled, placing her things down and telling me she'll have to remove the shard and then quickly strip my top off.

I just sighed and let her do what she needed to do. I trust her anyways.

"Hey, can I help you there?" Reiner asked and turned around, facing us.

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