Chapter 3

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Song of the chap: Valley Girls ~ Blackbear
(Please listen!! It fits perfectly if you listen to the lyrics!)

Chapter 3

Carter's POV:

My heart stopped.

He took her. I can't believe he took her. I swore to myself I would never let him lay his dirty little fingers on her.

"What did you do to her?" I spoke angrily.

"Carter!!" I heard her yell through the phone.


"Shut up bitch!" I heard him say before a loud smack was heard through the phone.

"DON'T TOUCH HER!" I demanded.

"Then bring me what I want. Tell you what. If you bring me my money, I might let her go."

I growled. My blood was boiling.

I contemplated before answering.

"Fine. Tell me where you are." I spoke.

"You know the place. I'll see you soon Mahone. I'll keep her busy." I heard him laugh before hanging up.

"Guys? We're going. Now." I demanded as they all ran to the car.

"Where is she?" Tyler asked.

"The warehouse. We'll be staying at our own for a while." They all agreed before I started the car, and sped down the road.

I'm coming Scarlett, hold on.


Scarlett's POV:

I was terrified out of my mind. I was captured.

"I've got a couple of rules for you, pretty lady." He smirked devilishly. I gulped at his next words.

"Please let me go.." I said, trying to escape the chains that were tied around my wrists.

"Oh we'll let you go, when we get our money." He said, rubbing his hands together.

Just as I was about to speak up, I heard a door burst down.

"Bill!! Let er go!" I heard Carter yell.

My hero.

"Let's go boys." Bill said, exiting the room and locking the door.

I heard fighting and screaming and shortly after, the door was being broken down.

"Scarlett." Carter said, running up to me.

"Carter!! I was so scared.." I said, letting the tears fall free down my cheeks.

It didn't seem to bother him that I was only in my bra and underwear.

"I know baby, I know. We're gonna get you some place safe, just breathe."

I nodded, as he undid the chains, and picked me up bridal style.

The boys were holding them off, as gun shots were heard all throughout the house.

Carter ran me to the van, and placed me in the backseat.

"Stay here and stay low. I'll be back right back." He ordered. I did as I was told as I watched him disappear into the creepy warehouse.

I heard a few more gun shots before they stopped. Soon after, a limping Carter and the others came running out.

I gasped at what I was looking at. They got to the car and placed Carter next to me.

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