Day 4

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The amount of time it took to stop the bleeding was dangerous, as it took up time that we could have used to polish our rusty plan.

Eventually, we did stop the blood from rushing out of Tracey's wound. We took one of the exercise bands and wrapped it around his arm to slow the bleeding. We then took one of the rags from the weight room and used a sowing kit that I brought with me to school for a class project. We sowed the rags together to make a makeshift bandage.

But we need to get him medicine. We couldn't tell if the rags had been cleaned or not. Conners couldn't tell either because his job didn't include to maintain the weight room.

I guess this is a good thing in a way. We needed more motivation to leave. We're sitting ducks here. And soon the beasts will break down the door.

God Tracey may die today. I didn't know him that well, I didn't even know his name until yesterday. But I could always tell he was a nice guy.

I remember this huge fight that broke out a year back, when this guy with a disfigured face beat the crap out of this very small kid who was named Josiah. He beat him so bad that he put him into a coma. He just got out of it a few weeks ago and he's still recovering at home. Hopefully he's safe. But before this kid nearly killed him, Tracey stepped in and swung a piece of wood at the back of his head.

How were there no arrests? The police system here is bad, but it can't neglect something like that.

After that incident, we never saw that kid again.

Thank God.



I walked along the road, dragging the bag I had found yesterday. The weight of my food and weapons crushing my aching back.

The bag was wrapped in chains, being dragged slightly behind me, clanging together as it scrapped across the concrete road.

Although I had much, I didn't have anything that would make me last long. I only have less than a dozen granola bars, a pipe, a few boards, nails, seeds, a crowbar, and that hammer that I had killed the doctor with, still stained with blood.

I had cut a piece of his clothing from his body, to keep it as a trophy, or a reminder of how useless he was.

The bag behind me started to shake, signaling that it was time for feeding.

I walked over to the bag and carefully unhooked the chains. I zipped open the bag and looked into it.

I smiled.

"Time for leftovers," I said quietly.

I opened my backpack, and took out the large plastic container full of the doctor's remains.

I simply took a spoon and shoved it below the ocular cavity of the head. Like you would with a crowbar, I pried it out and the eye rolled down the side of his face, still hanging from the cord. I ripped the entire eye and the cord out of the doctor's head. I then dropped it in the bag, it then started to shake and writhe even more.

I closed the bag and chained it and continued walking.

Until I turned around, and saw headlights.



"Are you ready?" Conners asked Mathew and Ivy, holding up the wounded and unconscious Tracey.

They both nodded.

"Haley. Take this ten pound plate," Mathew said. He handed me the plate. "I need you to break the window, and if any of them come close, whack them."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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