Chapter 3: A Mixture Between Pride and Jealousy

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"Draco, you did great!" Pansy Parkinson said as she bumped me sideways to hug Malfoy. My face became steady as I stood in jealousy. No, no, no, no, please no! I can't be liking that dimwit!

Draco hugged her back quickly as he was panting and he sneers as many of the Slytherins are crowding around him. He saw me looking at him in a gaped mouth as I grab Tabitha's hand and fled. Tabitha also grabbed Jackie's hand as I lead the way to a place near the forbidden forest.

"What did you do that for?" Jackie replied.

Tabitha echoed her answer as a 'yeah' but I was just ashamed that he accomplished something.

"Your turning red! You jealous of Pansy are you?!" Jackie replied.

"What?! Of course not!" I denied, but the truth is. . . I think I have developed a crush on Draco. NO, I DO NOT. Even science dejected this.

The snow dust tickled me as it became wet on my cheeks and nose. I looked up and see that it's getting colder.

"Look, can we just talk about this inside the castle? I'm really stressed," I replied gloomily and angrily. They both noticed it and nodded with crestfallen faces. I felt bad, but the most awkward situation that I ever had in my life was today's event. I wish I haven't gone to that game. We lost anyways.

The castle was still floated with candles above us as we got inside. I told them shortly that I'll be taking some air. I walked to my room in a fast pace. I was crying a little when my face became puffed. I take out my hanker chief and wipe the sudden tears that has fallen from my eyes.

I cried because I failed my defense against Dark Arts subject. Almost failed. Professor Snape and I had a talk after the game. With his cold, deep, dark voice he said that I'd be in big trouble if I fail in his class. Said that I'd bring more dishonor to my father who was an auror and was the best at Defense against dark arts and I was very concerned. Dad was a very loving father and a hard worker. He was treated with high respect and think highly of him. He was what you call a perfect man, but then he married a muggle which was my mom. That's why Snape said "more" disgrace.

I was deeply stung at his comment. All I had to do was stay silent and accept the fact until I can't handle it. I closed the door to his office, acting normal as I ever could and never I know that my vision was blurred with tears forming on my eyes.

Instead of going to my common room, I walked randomly without knowing where I am. Suddenly a voice replied.

"What are you doing here?" I shrieked as I heard a familiar tone.

I turn my head to see that familiar tone. I wiped my eyes in a quickest way as possible. I knew that it was Malfoy. I don't want him to see me cry. I don't want him to think that I'm weak and trifling.

"What do you think I-I'm doing here," I said in a wispy voice.

I saw him sneered at me, but on a second thought, he held my wrist that I turned into a forceful fist. The reason of why I cried because I have been disappointing my friends lately, I didn't cry about Draco or, something else that doesn't really matter to me, it's because of them.

"Trying to fool around crying like a feeble girl. Just got here on the Slytherin Halls" He replied in not-a-serious- tone. I realized that I'm on the Slytherin tower. How on earth did I get in here. Yeah. . . right, I was crying while running anywhere I head. I guess Malfoy was right.

"Can you just leave me alone?!" I cried hardly right now. I gasp shortly when he suddenly took my hanker chief and I was confused when he wiped my tears from my eyes.

Malfoy's Next Victim (A Draco Malfoy Love Story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora