Wolf's bio

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Psychotic Wolf-
Wolf is... Well she's the insane one, but can be really caring. She's hesitant in trusting people, because her mom was killed by someone she really trusted. Wolf believes it was her fault her father is dead, because she had gone into a building her father strictly told her not to go into. Wolf almost got killed, and her father died trying to protect her.
Because of this, Wolf will sometimes get VERY depressed, even sometimes going as far as almost killing herself. If it wasn't for the rest of the shadow pack, who are her best friends/ Sisters, Wolf probably would've killed herself ages ago.
Wolf has three forms, her human form, her wolf form, and her psychotic form.
Human Form:
Wolf's human form is..... Interesting to say the least. Her hair is black with purplish greyish highlights, which represent her fur color. She usually wears a black T-shirt and a purple jeans jacket. She often wears a white hairband, and always wears an amulet that glows when something that concerns her is wrong. She wears black tights and black combat boots. People often tell her to add more colors to her outfit, but Wolf simply brushes them off. Wolf does have her wolf ears and tail, which are a purplish greyish color.
Wolf Form:
Wolf's wolf form can be either intimidating or cute. Depends on how you look at it. Wolf's wolf form is very large. When standing up, it can reach up to six feet. Her fur is a purplish greyish color and her eyes are dark purple. Her tail is very floofy.
Psychotic Form:
Wolf's psychotic form is terrifying to most. Wolf turns into an even bigger wolf (about ten feet standing up) and her eyes go from dark purple to black. She now has large, black wings that drip acid, which will burn most things. Her fur is it's usual purplish greyish color, but is more ruffled and sticking out. She has sharp teeth that stick out of her mouth, and is very powerful.
Wolf's stats and whatnot:

Attack: 150 and growing with training
Defense: 150 and growing with training
Weapons: Black Acid, katanas, magic
Friends: Aqua, Lua, Fire, Her trainer, and *Glitched out BC spoilers*
Enemies: *Glitched out BC spoilers*
Likes: Chocolate, family, friendship, relaxing
Dislikes: Puns, Untrustworthy people, stress,promise, and sometimes herself

So yeah. That's my Bio. I'll probably do Fire's, Lua's, and Aqua's later. This took about an hour to complete and it's still Cringy. And don't ask why my name is wolf.
Also if you want to be in the shadow pack, or want your own pack, PM me what pack and your bio.

The packs are as follows:

Shadow pack-Mostly keep to themselves
Light pack-Like to shine, and help EVERYONE
Star Pack-Like to be on a stage (#MettatonPack much?)

So yeah. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASEEEE help me with pack names and bios. Thank you guys so much for reading this and I will see you guys in the next chapter

Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pieeeeeeeee

(Jacksepticeye outro much?)

(Holy cow 517 words)

(Okay srsly bye pie now)




(whatever. Bye pie now)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2016 ⏰

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