Chapter One

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Quick A/N
The picture is the Shadow pack . There are different packs and that's the Shadow Pack))

I walked through the forest, earbuds in my ears as usual. I walked to the camo wall/Barrier and touched it. It didn't send me back with a shock of pain as usual, it only pushed me back a little. I smiled, knowing this meant I was getting stronger. I silently thanked my trainer before walking off.

As I got back to camp, I noticed that things were..... A little chaotic. "Wolf! Where the hell have you been?" My sister Fire asked as I shuffled into the crowd. "What's going on?" I replied, trying to look over the heads of particularly tall people. "They found Asuna with a bloody knife stuck in her chest. They're trying to find who did it" she replied, her eyes flaming up a bit. I thought about it and decided I would try and help. So while Fire was watching whatever was going on, I shadow traveled away, looking for my trainer.

Man this is crappy. I can't even the cringe is too real. Anyways hope y'all enjoy. Bye pie

ElementTale-A new AU of Undertale Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora