An Unknown Connection

Start from the beginning

It was a tough task to train so many of them all at once, but where there is determination, there is victory and where there is victory, there is happiness.

"You should concentrate here today. Understood?" Karishma warned before they could start up their activity and Udit held her wrist, and twisting it, argued, "Your work is to counsel me in evening not to give me orders in the day time."

Karishma winced in pain and his hold on her wrist loosened surprising her and instead she felt him caressing the area softly as if apologizing for his harshness. Typical bipolar breach.

"Udit and Karishma, I have asked you guys to do the activity not have silent talks". Sheena's stern yet teasing voice brought them out and Udit immediately left her wrist, feeling a stupid all of a sudden.

"What the hell happened to me all of a sudden? Why did I got affected by her pain?" He mused mentally feeling several bricks banging on his head.

"It's my turn". She squealed like a child turning him around. He gritted his teeth in frustration and finally paid his attention to the front where she raised her both hands infront of him.

"I can't concentrate". He complained for the millionth time pissed at himself.

She sighed and instructed, "Take five deep breaths and close your eyes and try to keep your mind on my hand and listen exactly to what your inner heart is saying".

He obliged but as soon as he went deeper, his head was filled with the vague images of his accident night. His breathing became heavy as his ears filled with his own helpless screams of that night.

"Nooo". He yelled all of a sudden shocking everyone around and Karishma gasped in shock.

"Uditttt". Sheena ran towards him horrified as a look of concern and worry was etched on her face seeing his whole face filled with sweat and his body was shivering due to the aftermath of the images that he witnessed.

"Udit calm down. Take a deep breath". Sheena consoled and taking a side view, her eyes scanned Karishma whose face was pale and fear was dancing in her eyes.

"Udit come, I ll take you to your room". Sheena held him and took him out whilst Karishma sat there too stunned to react or say a word.

Was she the reason for his sudden pain? Did she really hurt him bad that brought him to the edge of reliving his haunting past? Her subconscious kept on throwing insults at her for endangering someone's life and she felt tears trickled down her honey brown orbs as her heart twisted in pain.

"He will hate me now. I hurt him. He was right, I can't make him feel better. I failed". She kept on mumbling to herself and in the same daze, she stood up from her place and walked out of the class.

She didn't know where she was walking or where she was moving. Her mind was trapped in his painful shriek and all she felt was her heart crying for him. She wanted to soothe him and heal his pain but here she only revived his pain.

"Karishma. Child where are you going?" She heard Anita's concerned voice calling after her and as the old woman kept an assuring hand on her shoulders, she couldn't hold up and she broke down on her knees feeling pathetic all of a sudden.

"What happened dear? Why are you crying?" She asked in concern sitting beside her slumped shoulders.

"I.....I hurt Udit. He ....he is in pain because of me. I hurt him". She sobbed blaming herself for the unintentional mistake she made and Anita took her in her motherly embrace cooing soothing words to her.

"Sshhhh... you didn't do anything intentionally Karishma. You didn't knew, he will go back in something painful yet again. You wanted him to calm down. It's not your fault". She explained stroking her hairs gently.

"He...he will hate me now, Ma'am." She sobbed already dreading his reaction when he would meet her again the next time. She never wished to hurt anyone ever but she didn't knew why ended up doing that? She only want to spread smile but here she was becoming the reason of his agony.

"Karishma, he is a sensible guy. He will understand that you dont mean any harm to him. And still if you are feeling guilty, then you can go and apologize to him. I am sure he won't hate you in fact he will understand your help and care for him". She suggested and nodding Karishma got up slowly as Anita took her to Udit's room all the while encouraging her.

Once they approached his room, Karishma felt her heart pounding Against her chest already scared of his scolding or yellings because she knew this time, the fault was hers.

"Ma'am, you here?" Sheena's surprised voice caught her attention and Karishma instantly moved ahead and inquired in a feeble worried tone, "Ma'am how is he?"

Sheena scrutinized her slumped shoulders and red eyes and taking her hand in hers, she assured, "He is fine Karishma. I gave him the medicine and now he is resting. He just over stressed his brain that's why he got that panic attack. Nothing to worry".

"You can go and see him. He'll feel better". She added as Anita gave her a knowing smile.

Slowly and steadily, Karishma made her way in the room and as she closed the door behind her, Udit opened his eyes feeling her presence around him.

Her head was hung low in shame and she was fidgeting with her fingers as she took step towards his bed.

"If you won't pay attention, then you might fall down". His voice reached her ears and she immediately looked up and for a brief second, she felt as if he could see her walking towards him.

"I thought you were smart enough to not feel guilty about such things". She sat down on the bed as tears cascaded down her eyes and realizing her folly, Udit sat up straight on his bed.

It wasn't hard for him to guess that she would be blaming herself for his situation because he had seen various people in his life but never for once he ever came across, someone like Karishma who was strong as well as fragile at her heart. When she walked in his room with his hesitant steps, then only he felt the reason of her tension and he didn't knew why he just wanted to calm her, instead of making her feel guilty.

"Kari.....," Before he could call out her name, on an impulse she threw herself in his arms as she sobbed like a child for her naive mistake shocking Udit completely.

"I ...I am sorry...," she hiccuped apologizing him, still hugging him tightly. She knew what she was doing was wrong, but it still felt the right thing to do in that moment.

Afterall when our soul feels that we have hurt someone bad, the first thing that comes in our mind is to embrace that person and heal his all wounds and replace their vulnerability with our smiles. Isn't it so?

"I didn't do it intentionally. I didn't knew due to my resolve you will remember something bad. I am sorry". She again apologized in an emotional tone, parting from him and Udit sat like a statue not moving an inch.

After what felt like eternity, he raised his one hand towards her cheek and wiped off her tears, and asked the question that froze her entire body like an ice stone.

"Are you falling in love with me?"

When we try to fight our past every second of our day, at times it comes out when we least expect it, isn't it so?

How was the chapter guys? First hug of Rishit:) 
And here goes a shocking question. So why do you think Udit asked that? Is she really falling for him and vice versa?

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