Chapter twenty-three

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SONG CHAPTER: Burn It Down by: Linkin Park

Niall's P.O.V

I opened my eyes then shut them ammedeatly, blinded by the bright light. "Is he okay?" I heard a fimiliar voice ask. "Yes. He's finally woken up, just needs

time to adjust to the light. I opened my eyes a crack and waited until it got dark enough so I could open them all the way. "Niall! Thank god you're awake!"

Liam said and went to hug me, then stopped. I looked down and saw I had several cords attached to my arms and I.V's in my arms. "How long was I asleep?"

I asked. "Afew days. About... Half a week." Liam said and I nodded. Liam put his hand on mine and smiled, looking up at me and smiled. "You got chubby

again!" "What?" I asked, confused. "I-I mean... Y-you weren't eating, and you were getting kinda emaciated(?) and well now you aren't!" He exclaimed.

"Thanks." I said and ran a hand over his stubble. "You're growing a beard?" I asked. "I-I can shave it off if you want-" "No. I like it." I said and he smiled.

"So.... What happened?" I asked. "I could ask you the same thing. What do you want to know?" Liam asked. "W-why am I here?" "You got cut in the neck and

I called an ambulance becasue I was worried." Liam said. "Okay, what do you want to know?" I asked. "Why didn't you tell and how long has it been

happening?" I gulped. "He um..... He said if I-I... If I told anyone h-he'd kill me..... And it was happening since I went to tutoring." I said. "So that's why you

didn't tell me?" I nodded. "Oh.... I'm gonna see if we can go home." I nodded and he left to go find a nurse. I sat up alittle, wincing at the small amount of pain

in my body. Liam came in following a nurse. "I need to do afew check-ups. Now, what happened to him?" "He was um.... Raped and cut in the neck." Liam

said and I looked down. "What's up your relationship with Niall?" She asked Liam. "Boyfriend." She smiled at us. "Good for you two. Who raped him?" "A

teacher at our school. He got arrested though." Liam said. The nurse scribbled some stuff down on a paper clip then flipped the page. "Niall, I'm gonna

need you to take the gown off." She said. I shook my head. "Niall. This is manditory, come on." I sighed and got up, taking the cords off and I.V's out. I shut

my eyes and dropped the gown. She gasped then reached out a hand, touching a huge hand print on my chest. I winced and she felt the rest of my body.

"Niall....." She said in sympathy and hugged my, then wrote some more stuff on the clip board. "Turn." She said and I looked down, turning so she saw my

backside. She ran a finger over my spine and wrote somthing down. She rubbed my shoulders, my back, and my thighs. "Sorry, but I have to." She said

as she pressed her fingers on my bum. I whimpered and tried to squirm away, but she held me still. After afew more test she smiled. "You guys will be ready

to leave in afew minutes. I'll have his prescription up at the front and I'll have someone bring clothes for him." Liam nodded and the nurse walked out of the

room. I whimpered and a tear slipped out of my eye and Liam brought me into his lap. "Shhhh. Shhhhh. No, Niall. It's fine, what's wrong?" I whimpered. "S-

she was touching me...." He hugged me. "It's her job, she's a nurse. She isn't goign to do that do you." I nodded and snuggled into his chest. The door

opened and someone set clothes on the bed. "Your perscriptions ready." I waited until she left to get up and get dressed. Liam helped me with my pants

and underwear. "Thanks." I muttered. He picked me up and carried me to the front door, grabbing the prescription on the way. He set me in the car,

covering me with a blanket that was in the car. The last thing I remember before falling asleep is Liam carrying me to our bed and kissing me on the forehead

telling me he loved me no matter what.

Louis P.O.V

School had been let out for the week, the staff goign through their servailence tape to see if any other teachers were off. My room didn't have servailence

in it, me having been there for afew years and trusted so they trusted me to not do anything bad. "Harry, Liam said he's fine, so he's fine." I said, rubbing

the curly haird lads head. "You sure?" "Yes. You're almost seventeen(?)! A year until we can be together to the public!" I said and he giggled. "Yeah! And I

can tell Niall!" I looked at him with raised eyebrows. "Just Niall?" "Well, everybody else but Niall first because he's my best friend." Harry said and I nodded.

"Well.... Would he tell anyone?" Harry shook his head. "But if everyone already knows, he wouldn't not have to tell anybody so..." I nodded. "Yeah, right."

Harry's stomach rumbled and I chuckled. "Hungry?" "Yes. Are you hungry?" He asked. "Um.... No." I lied. My stomach was practicly eating itself but, I was

losing wieght. I weighed 105 pounds. "Okay... What can I have?" "Anything." I said and he got up, sliding into the kitchen. My phone buzzed and I looked at

it. Liam: Niall's up and we're goign to my house! He's falling asleep though so you shouldn't come over but if you do make sure you're quite. The key is

under the mat. I smiled and decided to wait to tell Harry later. He came into the living room holding a granola bar. "Aren't you starving?" "I'll eat later. I just

want to spend time with you." He said he pressed his lips to my temple. I smiled and ran a hand through his curls. "I love you Harry. "Love you too, boo." He

said and I brought our lips together.

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