The Sun

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The suns stands still,

while 9 planets are moving around him.

They are neither brave enough to get closer,

nor strong enough to let go.

There's only one reason,

He's worth it.

3/10/2016 (20:56)

Gatau grammarnya dsb bnr atau salah. Klo salah comment ya untuk pembenarannya hehe
Trs, puisi ini sbnrnya bukan menekankan pd kata "HE is worth it".
Maksud gue di sini itu, semua dr kalian, hrs jd kayak matahari. Bukan hny mengejar tp dikejar, bukan hny mengagumi, tp dikagumi.

When u are as bright as the sun, cm org2 yg worth it, yg bakal meraih lo. Ga cuma pacar loh ya, temen dll jg

So, be bright ya! #apasih

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