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Inside the hall is packed, there is no room for sitting down and every free bit of space is taken up, I feel my heart beating a little faster going to a concert is a new experience for me.

A voice comes over the loud speaker, something about turning your smartphones off which doesn't really apply to me due to the fact I threw mine off a bridge, I stare at the teens around already some of them are bouncing I even see a girl with tears on her face. Right beside me Lena looks absolutely thrilled I try to say something to her but the crowd pretty much drowns us out so I just stand in my spot, wait and hope that I won't be too disappointed.

Then a voice comes over the loudspeaker, "And now introducing Latimoooooos.." A wall of noise rises up from the crowd around me, I try to cover my ears and half drop to my knees; considering that I actually care about my hearing I don't think joining Leena was such a good idea after all.

Spotlights flash and in front of us Latimos's three band members stand in a huddle.

Leena moves he head right next to my ear and shouts, "They're great aren't they?"

I put up my thumb and when she turns away from me I shout into the wall of noise; "They haven't even played anything yet." After that I feel a bit better about myself.

After what seemed a decent portion of infinity the noise stopped, and I mean stopped, you could just about hear a pin drop in that hall where moments before there had been the noise of the hurricane.

And then they begin to sing, it takes me a few seconds to realise what they are singing.

"As you go through life you'll


That there is so much that we...

Don't understand."

"What the heck?" I say, "I recognise that song!"

Leena, looking enthralled nods "It's from the lion king."

"Yeah..." I jerk my head "Wait what?"

But Leena is already holding her head up and singing to the lights.

Kind of scared I start singing along, slightly trailing the lyrics until Latimos reaches the chorus. The music builds and then all the lights go dark, Images of Mexico begin to play across the screens set up behind the band.

I see palm fronds stirring in the breeze, golden un-touched beaches and rugged mountains, beautiful people under starlit skies, and for a moment I understand Sam, I understand his passion and his reason. To search the world looking for truth and to spend nights gazing up at eternity, surely that is worth all the pain and madness that it has taken, and will take to reach his perfect beach.

The chorus breaks out and I feel connected to every person in the building;

"We are more then we are, we are one."


"One family under the sun"


"You will find when you see..."


"We are one."

Every person in the hall- including the security is singing, an untrained choir connected by music;

"We are one."

The song finishes and everyone, claps, screams or cries. I watch their lead singer; a guy with curled black hair, a calm face and rainforest skin. The whole hall is cheering for his band and yet he does not bow, or show any sense of achievement; He knows that each person created the magic for themselves.

He walks across the stage, confidant and clear holds a microphone to his mouth and screams one word; "Latiiiimossss."

And the crowd screams his word right back at him; "Latimosssss!!!"



Then the drumming starts again, and the people around me begin to stamp their feet. I find the rhythm and once again we are connected;

"Uhhh, nah yah nah mahhhaaa."

"Uhh, nah yah nah mahhhaaaa."

And then the words start, softly and in Spanish,

"El Que esta

Accostombrado a viajar

Sabe Que Siempre Es

Necsario Partir Alugn diar."

There is a pause and everyone looks at their feet.

"I can't forget,

The sun in our hair, the light in your eyes, we're blessed touch wood.

And I solemly swear we am up to no good."

My heart swells and I'm glad I came, it's freaky but I feel good.

Gracias por leer hasta aquí,  Llegas a mi vida como un sol.

Thank you all for reading this far.

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