John slams the taxi door as he leaves, ignoring the cabbie's calls for a tip; the man doesn't deserve one the way he was driving. He takes two deep breaths and wipes the back of his hand across his forehead; why did his much deserved holiday have to end up a disaster?

It had been the perfect idea; two weeks of sun, sand, midnight cocktails and the beautiful Clara but they hadn't lasted long together, on only the second day she had announced that she wanted to get married, married! As if he was going to make that mistake twice especially to someone as easy as her, he sighs; still that woman has a nice ass.

After that they'd fought and Clara had left. The next two days had been spent drinking at one of the small beach side bars before John had boarded a plane and arrived back at his local airport thoroughly hungover, his magnitude ten headache ensure that it didn't take much for the slobby taxi driver to rile him up.

John walks up the stairs and knocks on his front door, noticing how untidy the bloody lawn looks, he'll have to cut his grass tomorrow, but at the moment he just wants to get inside and take some Ibuprofen. He kicks at the door again and pulls on the handle, "Aimee open up."

He waits five minutes, then ten all the while stress causes the pressure in his head to build, John slams his fist into the door and calls out one last time.

He peers through the window and sees the small mountain of letters that have built up inside, his head screaming he tries the lock again before going around the back and finding the key hidden under a flower pot. When he opens the front door a slight musty smell greets him and he wrinkles his nose, "Aimee where are you?" Silence, John kicks at the paper mountain.


"Aimee, I'm home."

John tries to ignore the pain and walks first to his daughter's room, it's empty; a cracked T.V screen lies on the floor and her drawers are hanging open, empty. A ringing fills Johns ears, he pinches the bridge of his nose, and hurries into the bathroom. He fumbles with the drawers until he finds the tablets, pops six into his mouth and swallows them dry. The pain starts to lessen almost instantly and John is able to think again, he slowly paces his way to his daughter's room. Even in his delirious condition he can tell that something is defiantly wrong; the girl would never leave on her own, she'd never stayed at a friend's houses and she sure doesn't have a boyfriend. For a moment there is a slim possibility that she went to visit her Mum, but no they didn't allow visitors after five.

His eyesight softens a little and he begins to feel drowsy, perhaps it wasn't such a good idea to take so many tablets. John decides to wait till the morning and see whether Aimee turns up, if not he'll call the police. Satisfied that he had done everything in his power John collapses into his bed, within seconds he falls into a deep, lasting sleep.

Hey there everyone this is a short update this time, and it doesn't even have Aimee in it! (At least not in the flesh). 

I also made a trailer, which was a heap of fun, however I realise that you need to have read a portion of the way through to even understand what is going on!! Anyway you can check it out at the top of the page. 

The long road home.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant