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Okay so it's been awhile since you've last heard from me. I feel kinda horrible for leaving you guys in the dark for such a long time. The thing is recently I've been rethinking my whole view on life yada yada. As you may already know, (or not depending on if I portrayed this enough to you lot) that I've been dealing with my own mental dissorders (anxiety depression you get the gist of it I hope) and I've come to a realization. Writing this "book," contributes a great amount of my anxiety, and depression. Its a harbinger to my recovery that I've been putting off for years. Believe me I've tried to stick with this book and with you guys but I just can't do it anymore. I've finally found that spark in me that craves to get better and I just can't loose it. I hope you all understand. I feel horrible leaving this book right now but it has to be done. This doesn't mean I'm gone for good! I have some ideas that could possibly go somewhere. No promises yet. I love you all dearly for putting up with my shit this last...i can't even remember I think we're almost at a year? No clue but yes I love you dearly and this isn't the last of me hopefully, and I hope you all aren't to mad at me :(

Lots of love,


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