Chapter 2

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Louis heart stopped, no this could not be happening to him. He jumped to his feet and started pounding on the door.

"Let me in! I swear to god fucking let me in!" Louis screamed. He suddenly felt arms wrap around him and pull him away from the door. He kicked with all his might yet he still couldn't break free.

"Louis! Lad calm down," he heard a voice say. Finally realizing fighting wasn't going to get him anywhere, he went limp in whoever was carryings arms. "Now tell me what's going on," Louis looked up to find himself in the arms of Liam, who had worried eyes himself.

"H...H-Harry," Louis started and then he broke. He was sobbing, he just couldn't stop. Harry was dead. And it was his fault.

The boys were freaking out, Zayn was already itching for a cigarette and Niall just sat there, quietly. Liam decided it was only right that he keep it together for the other lads. Liam pet Louis' hair, "Sh Lou, please calm down."

Suddenly, a doctor burst out of the door with a somber look on his face.

"I'm sorry to tell you this boys, but-"

"No!" Louis burst out, "No! He can't be gone he just can't!"

"I'm sorry boy we did all we cou-"

"Doctor!" A nurse yelled frantically.

"What is it now?" The doctor sighed.

"His heartbeat....well oh my in all my years....this is a miracle!" She gushed.

"What is it Deby!" The doctor yelled, getting annoyed.

"His heartbeat! It's back! He's alive!"

Louis heart stopped again for the third time today. His Harry was alive. He would see his smiling face again.

"Well excuse me lads," the doctor smiled and walked off.

Louis gave a sigh of relief an closed his eyes. Everything was ok, for now.

"Would someone like to explain what's going on?" Liam questioned.

"Not now...later," Niall spoke softly, "Lou looks exhausted."

Later that night after the boys got dinner, they settled in the hallway getting ready to sleep. Aparently since the doctor liked their music he pulled some strings and they were able to sleep in the hospital.

Louis woke up around 3;20 when he heard a large groan. A groan he heard all to well. He jumped up from his seat and ran the short distance to Harry's room.

"Screw knocking," Louis muttered to himself as he burst into the door. And then Louis thought his heart burst out of his chest,


There was Harry, sitting with a goofy grin on his face. Oblivious to the fact that he was in the hospital.

"Harry you idiot!" Louis yelled as he ran over to Harry's bedside and peppered his face with kisses.

"Am I in heaven? Did I die?"

"No love, your in the hospital," Louis whispered back.

"So....I failed?" Harry's face turned into a frown,

" did," Louis breathed, "thank god."


Hope you're all happyyyyyyyyyy

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