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So I've recently, on many recent occasions tried to bleach my hair. I've used everything I could possibly find. I've searched up on the Internet, YouTube, ya know the usual spots for diy hair bleaching, but my natural ginger hair, my stubborn stubborn hair, will not change its color. Not even a tiny shade. Not even a the slightest.

When I first tried to bleach it, I was like super careful because I thought it would go like platinum blond or something. But it didn't. And every attempt has failed. I was just going to do the tips in a lighter shade and give it a sort of ombré look. But it did nothing. And I've pretty much given up for now.

Anyways, some redhead ladies out there may have the same problem. Or maybe you've never tried because you are satisfied with your hair color. Congrats to you! I only hope I can be that content with my hair someday. But sadly I had the feeling that I won't. So yeah.....

Vote if you've ever tried to bleach or dye your hair a lighter shade.

Comment if you've ever got your hair to bleach, or if you have ever dyed your hair? Tell me what colors. I'd love to hear which ones!

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