Standing out

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Most of you fellow redheads out there have been told in some form or another that you stand out from the crowd. You non redheads may have been walking down the street and randomly a person with red hair suddenly catches your eye.
Personally, I have a lot of these moments. I don't know wether or not it is good or bad yet, but I do know that I feel eyes on me wherever I go. I'm not saying I'm paranoid  or anything, but that I always catch somebody looking at me. It's quite weird to be honest. But over the years I've gotten used to it. Sometimes the attention gives me a boost of confidence, but sometimes I just want everyone's eyes to turn away. I bet this has at lest happened to you a couple times or so much that it's to hard to count the occurrences. As much as we hate or love it, I don't think this fact of life for us will ever change.

What do think?

Vote if this has happened at least once to you.

Comment and share one of these moments. We may have a few in common!

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