"Something unreal?" Ciel asked.

"The possibility that Sebastian and Veronica had not died at all," Arthur clarified. "When I thought of that possibility, I couldn't contain myself."

"To think you would come back after such a revelation," Veronica smirked, "I would expect nothing less from someone whom Lord Ciel and my Mistress hold in high regard."

"Enough," I gave a side glance over the rim of my cup before Veronica gave a small nod and stepped back.

"I'm curious to hear what made you so suspicious," Sebastian stood behind Ciel's chair like always.

"The death of Lord Siemens, you and Veronica both simply stood by, even when your masters were accused. Did you know? That the suspicions would be lifted from the Earl and Lady as soon as the next murder occurred?"

"Of course I realised this, however, that was not the only reason I didn't protect the young master..."

"You probably thought I deserved it, didn't you?" Ciel glared up at the raven haired demon.

"Not at all young master, I was simply appalled that after all of the careful planning you were able to simply succumb to sleep, leaving Veronica and I to take care of the mess."

"Wait...Predicting!?" Arthur exclaimed.

I sighed before placing my cup down, "Ciel and Sebastian knew of the mishaps before hand. That is how we were able to plan so far ahead mister Arthur. That is also how we knew Veronica and Sebastian would be killed."

"What!?" Arthur jumped from his seat.

"Please calm yourself, it's not incomprehensible...I simply told them the outcome and we planned to accommodate our needs." I met his confused stare before further explaining. "You could say I have a special set of skills Professor, they allowed me to understand the meaning behind the letter Ciel and I received from the queen which started this whole endeavor. Knowing the meaning also allowed for us to determine Siemens would most likely be the one sacrificed, especially that night..."

(Flashback two days prior Sebastian POV)

The door was locked and while the other servants started to panic I was able to pick up the slight noise of glass breaking, judging by Veronica's expression she was able to detect it too. I kicked down the door to reveal the Lord. Nothing was broken as we surveyed the room and I don't smell any blood...it is just like the young mistress predicted. This means that there must be a vial that contained the poison hidden in here.


"Wait, you say it was all a prediction!? But if you had voiced your thoughts the young lord and mistress wouldn't have had to undergo such scrutiny!" Arthur exclaimed.

"The young mistress and lord were observing the situation to see how things would play out, naturally we followed suit," Veronica smiled as she placed more sweets in front of me.

"Due to my understanding, it was childsplay seeing which scenario would ultimately play out in the end. A murder like that had to be a set up, whether Siemens was dead or alive at that point didn't matter, I accounted for either situation. Everything is as we have been saying this whole time Professor," I spoke calmly.

"That is why you had them collect the ashes..."

"Very good Professor..." I praised with a smile, "Not many would have been able to catch on to something minor like that."

"Such cruel masters we have, sending us to our deaths..." Sebastian smirked our way.

"Enough Sebastian, while Siren had accounted for many situations I didn't expect for them to follow so closely to what was already determined." Ciel sipped his tea.

Midnight Murders (A Mansion Murder CielxOC, Book 2) ~{COMPLETED}~Where stories live. Discover now