"GO MAGGOTS GO!" Chef yelled.

I was on my fifth run through the obstacle when I saw LeShawna stuck in the mud.

"Fallen soldier, I salute you," I said. I stopped when I saw Chef, or Master Chief I should say, in front of me.


"Thank you." I kissed his nose, but was not expecting the anger induced shit show to come.

"One night solitary confinement. In the boat house."

Suddenly, everyone around us gasped in horror. What was the big deal? Fish hooks, teeth and disgusting bait, that's what.

Courtney's POV

I have to be honest, I was a little worried for Duncan. "I'm gonna go check on him," I told Geoff.

"You like him," he said back.

"I do not like him."

"Yes you do."

"Not only do I not like him, I can't stand him. He's rude, rebellious, and he's totally annoying. And I'm going to go check on him." I walked outside with the gruel that Chef served us. "Hello? Duncan?" I asked, entering the boat house.

"Princess!" He exclaimed.

"Ugh, I wish you'd stop calling me that."

"So," he said walking forward. "Come to claim that kiss?"

I scoffed. "Even pigs need to eat."

"Hm no thanks," he said. "I'll stick with the bait." He pointed to a bucket with fish bait wiggling around.

"Yeah, well that's all Chef would serve us after our pathetic performance on the obstacle course. Why do you egg Chef on like that?" I asked.

He didn't answer, just said "Why are you so uptight all the time?"

"I am not uptight," I denied.

"You always follow the rules!"

"Well you always have to break them!"

"Only the ones I want to." He then winked at me.

"Okay, so I do follow the rules. I guess that makes me a big uptight loser in your book?"

"Maybe," he said. UGH! "So why do you follow the rules?" he asked.

"Because not following the rules gets you thrown into a fish cabin!" I yelled.

"But I'm in the fish cabin with you, aren't I?" I had to admit, I did like that thought. Him and I, alone, in a sharp, dangerous cabin.

"Care like ditching this place for some peanut butter and jam?" I knew it would involve breaking quite a few rules, but I was willing to take the risk.

Duncan's POV

We raided everything in that fridge. Apples, PB&J, ice cream sandwiches, etc. I saw Courtney run out of the cabin and hurl up her ice cream.

"So the princess has a dark side," I said while walking out of the cabin.

"Okay that was so gross, but once I did something bad it was so fun I just wanted more!" I liked her enthusiasm.

"Well you could always give me that kiss. That would be pretty bad."

"Ugh. You're still not my type." She ruffled my mohawk.

"Fine, enjoy a peanut butter less life."

"Thanks, enjoy prison."

"Oh I will." The next thing I know, she grabbed my face and pushed her lips against mine. Her lips were soft and felt amazing. She walked away and left me hanging with a grin on my face.

Courtney's POV

The next day was so fun! I can't believe I told Chef off! The elimination ceremony was predictable. Harold was going home.

"I only have five marshmallows on this plate. These marshmallows represent campers who will continue to be campers here." I tuned him out and looked at Duncan, rather seductively might I add.

"Duncan," Chris called. "DJ, Bridgette, Geoff." He called the names one by one. I knew I would come next,  mean, Duncan got all the guys to vote for him, they hated him anyway, and Bridgette is my friend.

"Campers, this is the final marshmallow of the night." There was a long pause before he said who it went to. "Harold."

"What!?" I yelled. How could they vote for me and not him? Chris and Chef picked me up and took me over to the boat of losers. "I demand a recount! I demand a recount! Let go of me!" They nodded and threw me on the boat.

"Courtney, wait!" I heard Duncan yell. "I made this for you!" He tossed me a wooden carving.

"Duncan!" I said as I caught it. I looked down at the little wooden sculpture of a scull. "This is really creepy but I love it. I'll never forget you!" I waved at him as I disappeared from his vision.

Duncan's POV

I sat outside the Bass cabin, carving into the steps up. Harold came over out of the shower and stepped on one of the steps. It collapsed under him.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"I'm pissed and I need to take it out on someone." I was pissed off. Courtney would probably fall in love with some lawyer wannabe like herself. She'd probably forget about me. Whatever, I had plenty of girls at home who would throw themselves at me. None like her though.


jvbhugskbnejfwefb I finally finished the chapter!

WHEW THAT TOOK FOREVER TO WRITE! I promise that the last chapter of the book will be out soon. (Maybe even tomorrow).

I've been rereading what I have written of this book and realize how horrible it is. This is my first Duncney, let alone TD story so if you are reading this in the future, I promise my other work is better.

See you in the last chapter!


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