Phobia Factor

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Courtney's POV

At the campfire, the gophers came over to us and offered us the most ludicrous thing on the plant. Green jelly. It's just like wiggly, slimy snot. I hate it. The others could use this information against me so it's best that I keep that secret. When I pushed the jelly away from myself, Duncan asked if I was on a diet on something. Best he thinks that instead of knowing the truth. Sadly, I didn't think that at the time and I, rather defensively, said that I just didn't like green jelly.

"Ah, snake!" DJ screamed when he saw the orange gummy worm in the middle of the jelly platter. Tyler comforted him, after DJ explained that snakes creep him out, by telling him what his phobia was. Chickens. Wow. That is really lame. All of a sudden we all had a long conversation about our greatest fears. When they got to me I hesitated to say anything.

"Well I'm not really afraid of anything," I said, triumphantly.

"Bologna." Duncan coughed between the word. I rolled my eyes.

"Oh yeah, Mr. Tough Guy. What's your fear?" He blushed and was obviously embarrassed.

"C-celine Dion music store standees." He was very embarrassed. Who wouldn't be. I giggled.

"ExSQUEEZE me?" Asked Cody. Did he really say exsqueeze me? Whatever. Lindsay began talking about how much she loves Celine Dion then later asked what a standee is. Trent explained what it was to her.

"So if we had a standee right now," I started.

"Shut up!" Duncan yelled. We began arguing more about dumb stuff before we walked to the cabins to go to sleep.

Duncan's POV

When I got to the mess hall I almost hurled at the green eggs and ham Chef served us. The man stays true to his literature choices. I sat down next to DJ and looked at Courtney who was dissecting the food to see how Chef would poison us this time.

"It's quite simple," she said. "The eggs are just moldy." Chris came into the room a few minutes into breakfast to tell us what our challenge would be. I began to regret telling the others about my phobia. The one thing about this game that you need to remember is that they are always listening. Great. Now I would have to look at Mrs. Dion's ugly face.

Most of the day was pretty chill. We watched other people fail miserably at their challenges. I was impressed at how bad Harold is at literally everything. It was also funny watching Princess yell at people on our team for doing horribly. Having the day off, sort of, was pretty nice. That is until it was my turn.

"She's pretty," Courtney said, trying to comfort me.

"That looks really real man." I was trembling. Tyler yelled at me, saying that she was made of cardboard. I just blocked him.

"Hey," she said. "It's okay if you can't do it." She looked at me with her onyx eyes. She grabbed my hand. "You can do this." I smiled.

"Okay. I can do this." I took a deep breath and ran for it.  I hugged the cut out and earned another point for the bass. Looks like I also earned a hug from Courtney, who looked to be enjoying the hug until she realized what she was doing and stopped.

Courtney's POV

I didn't watch most of the competitors after that. I swam a little and took a shower. After I dressed, I noticed Duncan walking into the forest. I followed him until  I noticed we were out of camera range.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. I obviously startled him because he jumped and hit his head on a low branch. He turned around and I noticed a black duffle bag. "What's in the bag? Is this the place where you are going to bury your next victim?"

"No," he said unzipping the bag. "But I do have some contraband." I gawked at the can of beer he tossed to me. "Care for a drink, Princess?"

"Are you insane? We could get kicked out for this! Not to mention we are sixteen and this is highly illegal." I said this while desperately wanting to chug the can. I haven't had a drink in so long, though no one knew I drank. I wanted to maintain a clean record for when I run for office.

"Suite yourself," he said, cracking open a can. I guess one can couldn't hurt. I sat beside him and drank away. We talked about drama much worse than all of this that happened at school.

"A girl I know over dosed on heroin in the janitors closet once. Her best friend found her dead and laughed while taking pictures of her to put on her Facebook."

"She sounds like a cunt." I stood up. The one thing I couldn't take was people using that word. I walked away and Duncan chased after me. He was about to speak but we heard Chris over the loud speakers.

"Campers, come to the fenced in area next to the amphitheater for our final challenge. Good luck, Tyler. Hehehe."

Duncan's POV

"Tyler this is the last challenge," Courtney said as the nonathletic jock rocked back and forth facing away from the chickens. "Quit being such a girl! You have to do this or we're going to loose." Cody destroyed the thought of possibly winning by pointing out that the score was seven to three.

"Actually, there is one more challenge," Chris said with a devious smile. I looked at him, confused. Everyone had done their challenge, except Courtney that is. But she didn't tell tell us what her phobia is. Unless...

"But that doesn't make any sense. Everyone has gone and I didn't say what my fear is." I liked it when that woman complained. So feisty.

All of a sudden we were walking over to a wooden pool with a high dive over it. The pool was full of green jelly. Was this girl serious? Green jelly? She was turning a faint green color. I knew it was out of sickness from the thought of it but it was as if the jelly was dying her skin.

"You're afraid of green jelly?" I asked. I would be lying if I said I was nonchalant. She blushed crimson and looked down.

"It's just like slimy, green snot." No wonder she voted Ezekiel off first. He was a snot making machine.

Chris told her to dive into the pool and she hesitated. I cheered her on when she began to climb. At the top of the ladder she looked down. She couldn't do it and gave up. She climbed down the ladder. I knew some people would try to vote her off, giving up on her own challenge when she bugged everyone else about completing their own. I wouldn't let that happen.

Courtney's POV

Ah, elimination. I was wrapping up my sobbing session in the confessional when I saw Duncan point at me. He wasn't looking at me, though. He was talking to DJ. I tried not to think about it but I knew he was talking about me. He better not have told DJ about the beer!

I sat down next to Bridgette. I was really curious as to what Duncan was telling DJ. That didn't matter right now, though. I was shaking so hard. I couldn't go home now. Chris called Bridgette's name. This is it, Courtney. This is the time to pack your bags and say your good byes.

"The final marshmallow goes to," Chris's signature pause was extra long this time. "Courtney." A bright smile made it's way across my face. I walked over to the rest of my team and Tyler sluggishly walked away. The others began making chicken jokes. After Bridgette made her's I couldn't take it anymore.

"Okay, that's enough," I stated. How could I let them talk about Tyler this way, especially Bridgette, when he wasn't the only one who failed to face his fear? I went to the bass cabin and fell asleep.


(A/N) Hey guys! I finally updated after so long. I'm done with finals now so hopefully I'll be able to update more.

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