Food Poisoning

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Courtney's POV

It was the day after we sent Ezekiel home. We had two more days before our next challenge. I took off my sleep mask to see something I really didn't want to. Izzy was shaving her legs in the bed that use to be hers. After she offered to switch teams so Katie and Sadie could be together, we had to throw her out because she didn't like the beds in the gofer's cabin.

Flash back

"No, I don't like them!" Izzy screamed to the top of her lungs.

"Come on Izzy," Bridgette tried pulling her off of Sadie's new bed. "The other girls seem...nice."

"I don't care about the other girls!" Bridgette and I looked at Izzy, skeptically. She sighed. "I have a problem with the beds in their cabin. The other beds don't have that worn out, comfortable feeling and earthy scent." I face palmed.

End flash back

"Izzy what are you doing here and why are you shaving your legs? Also, where are your pants?"

"I like this bed, they were hairy and do you actually sleep with pants on?"

I face palmed again, knowing that the bruise on my forehead was probably the size of a hamster at this point.

I got up and changed into my bikini under my white button down and light grey cashmere sweater and olive green pants, knowing that I would probably go for a swim after breakfast.

I went to the table where all the bass were sitting.

"Hey Courtney," Bridgette said after I sat down with my excuse for mashed potatoes and coffee.

"Hey. How did everyone sleep last night?"

"Tolerable," Harold said.

"Wish I could say the same," I replied.

"Didn't get your beauty sleep, princess?" Without looking up from my tray I could tell Duncan was behind me.

"Ha ha. Very funny Duncan."

"Lighten up. At least the beds here are more comfortable than juvie."

I managed to keep down the lumpy potatoes and drink the bitter coffee. I love coffee when there is sugar and half and half but when it was just straight black coffee I couldn't stand it. Chef Hatchet refused to give us any sugar or even milk.

"I'm going out for a swim," I said. I threw away my garbage and walked out of the mess hall. I walked into the cabin where I instantly smelled perfume. Cheap perfume that one would find in the five dollar bin at Bath and Body Works. Heather. She was lying on my bed painting her nails the same brownish redish color of her halter top.

"Courtney!" She squealed when she saw me.

"What are you doing on my bed Heather?"

"I just wanted to say that I loved that citrus-y perfume you wore yesterday and I wanted to know if I could borrow it some time."

"Oh sorry I didn't bring it with me I just wore it for the first day," I lied. No way I was letting her use my expensive perfumes. I was about to take off my shirt when it occurred to me. "What are you really doing here Heath-" I was stopped mid sentence because I threw up on her. I knew that the mashed potatoes wouldn't settle well but I didn't think it would be that bad. Heather began to scream and kick the vomit off of her.

"Hey princess you...oh wow. This is too hilarious."

Duncan's POV

I came into her side of the cabin to give her her bracelet back after it fell off her wrist during breakfast.

"Hey princess you...oh wow. This is too hilarious."

"Duncan! What are you doing here!" Courtney began to scream, followed by a trail of puke. I started to crack up.

"Only to return this to you," I said, handing over the gold bracelet with a moon charm on it. "Also, the potatoes gave a few people food poisoning."

"NO REALLY? IT ISN'T THAT OBVIOUS TO ME!" Her screams were followed by her puking on Heather again and a screaming Heather running to her own cabin. I picked Courtney up bridal style (even though her screams told me to put her down) and carried her to the medical tent where a set of puking idiots and Bridgette were lying down.

I walked away, laughing my ass off.


Hey guys! I know that it came out a little too soon but here is a short, funny chapter. This is also why I think there is so much puke in the show. Chef has been poisoning them.

Anyways, it is almost the end of spring break and I have been stuck inside for most of it so writing two chapters of this fic in less than 24 hours is the best thing I can do to pass the time.

I haven't gotten any comments yet but please tell me what you think of my writing and what not.

As always thank you for reading and I'll see you in the next chapter.


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