"Damn, I would hit that.." Alex added. I stopped dead in my tracks, and turned around to him.

"What did you just say?" I tested, walking dangerously close to him.

"I-I was just kidding Carter, I didn't mean–"

"Don't you EVER talk about my mom like that again. Do you understand?" I said grabbing him by his collar.

"I understand." He said, as I pushed him off me and headed towards the building.

"Pathetic." I said quietly to myself.

I always knew he had a thing for my mom, but it gets annoying when he always comments on her. It really irritates me.

When I got inside, I felt the cool breeze of air conditioning hit my sleeveless shoulder, calming me. I shut my eyes and took a deep breath, before heading to my locker.

The bell rang as we approached.

"Hey, you guys wanna skip today?" I asked, they all nodded their heads in excitement as we headed back out the doors of the school.

Just as I was about to get to my range, I got a call from an unknown number. I hesitated at first before picking it up.

"Hello?" I spoke into the phone.

"Mahone." His evil voice rang in my ears. I stopped in my tracks, waiting for him to continue.

"What do you want Bill?" I gritted through the phone.

"Just that girl of yours. She's cute, isn't she Carter?" He said, maniacally laughing through the phone.

I cringed, thinking of all the horrible things he would do to her.

"I'd keep my eye on her if I were you." He spoke before the line went dead.

"Hello? Hello?! Shit." I said sliding my phone into my pocket.

"What's going on Carter?" Tyler spoke up.

I shut my eyes and tried not to think about it.

"Bill's gonna get Scarlett." I spoke, clenching my fists.

"What?!" They all said in unison.

"I know. We have to protect her." I said, a little quieter.

"Well, come on, let's go get some lunch." One of them suggested.

I let out a sigh, "okay," before hopping into my car, and heading to the nearest McDonald's.


Scarlett's POV:

I let out a sigh as I headed to first period, going to my normal seat. I gave it a few minutes, before realizing, Carter wasn't coming.

Although everything I've been through in the past 24 hours was hectic, I still had a lot of questions.

The school day dragged on, and it was finally time for lunch.

"Hey guys." I said to them, sitting down in my spot.

"Hey! What's goin on?" Brooklyn asked in a happy tone.

"Oh nothing, just had a long night." I said, trying not to tell them what really happened.

"What'd you do? Lots of homework?" Sarah asked.

"Yeah, something like that.." I said, scratching the back of my neck.

"Oh, well hopefully you won't have as much tonight." Brooklyn said with a shrug.

"Yeah, I hope not too." I said, pulling out my backpack just as I got a phone call.


"Scarlett." I heard his voice, instantly calming me.

I held up a finger letting them know I'd be back in a minute, before excusing myself from the table, and into the hallway.

"Carter! What are you doing?! You're supposed to be at–"

"Be quiet!! I have something to tell you. It's Bill, he–"

"Wait who's Bill? Is that that guy from yester–"

"Yes! Would you let me speak?!"


"Thank you. Now I'm gonna warn you, he's out to get you, and you need to be careful. Just watch who you hang around with. I have to go, but you have my number if you ever need me."

"Carter! Wait!" I tried, before the phone line went dead.

He's out to get me?

I gulped before gathering my stuff from the lunch room, and leaving the school. I got in my car and headed to my house. No one was home because it was still early in the day.

I got in my room and set my stuff down, mentally freaking out about the news I had just heard.

What does he want with me? What do I do?

I pondered, before I heard a knock on the door.


Carter's POV:

As I flicked my cigarette, I heard my phone ring, as we approached the warehouse. I recognized the number to be Scarlett's. I smiled before picking up the phone.


"Mahone." I could hear his devilish smirk speak through the phone.



Hey! I totally forgot about this but I already have chapter 3 written, so if you guys vote, I'll have it posted tomorrow! :)

20 votes = Update!

Twitter: _HisMahomie

Instagram: takenbyacm

Love you guys!
Tara 💛

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