Night to Remember 1 (Jumin x Boyish!Reader)

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"Go on. Scream my name out loud. No one can hear you here."

"Ahh, Jumin..!"

"Can't you wear anything else other than that (fav band) shirt?"

"Deal with it." You stuck your tongue as Zen groaned in annoyance and shook his head, wondering on what went wrong in raising you that you turned boyish.

"Whatever." You grabbed your baseball hat and tucked your hair in and started to skate with your skateboard all over the place while Zen sighed and continued to go over his script. "No skating inside!"

"Okay, geez!" You reached for your phone from your pocket and opened it as a notification appeared:

From: Sunrise Production
Subject: Settings Dept.
Anyeong! We would like to inform you that we would move the shooting next week.

"Who texted?" Zen wrapped his arm around your shoulder as he took off your cap. "Hmm, just my boss. He moved the props and effects department's meeting." You smiled, finally thinking that you can finally relax a bit more before having to deal with your co-workers.

"Well, since your sched's free at this time, maybe you can come with me to the RFA meeting!" Zen grinned as he hugged you from behind.

"No! I don't wanna meet cat mommy!" You cried as Zen sighed, "but aren't you a member as well?"

True. But it was actually Rika who invited you to join at the same time as Zen when she found your amazing work when you collaborated with V for an old project.

You rarely go online and attend their meetings, since the timing can be pretty bad, but when the party is being set, you're the one behind it's magic.

"But I'm too lazy, and I just wanna skate and relax." You groaned as Zen shook his head.

"I'll get you that board you've always wanted if you attend."

"I'll go."

Zen looked at his phone and for some reason, Luciel texted:

From: Seven
Subject: Get out
'Ello! I'm here to fetch you  and Yoosung's with me. I'm waiting outside the door already, though, and I heard that you're gonna bring your sis. ;)

But later on, your phone rang.

From: Sunrise Productions
Subject: Meeting
Sorry to say in such time that we will shoot by 2:50 PM. Apologies, but we chose the location in advance without telling you. We won't be in the studio, so please drop by the (random name) cafe.

"Aww, I won't go." You smiled as Zen and ruffled your hair. "How nice, we're gonna have a meeting in that place too." You groaned and took your backpack filled with emergency stuff and marched out the door, only to be greeted by Yoosung and Luciel.

"What's up, bitches?" You grinned as the guys yelled your name in delight Zen chuckled and closed the door.

"Okay, let's head out." You waited for the three of them to walk ahead so you can go grab your skateboard.
"OH OH OH OH SWEET CHILD OF MINE~!" You and Seven started singing with the other two at the back.

Your brother might seem like the type who'd not want to waste his voice, but you can turn his right buttons from the usually self-concious bro into this wild child.

"Oh, we're here." Seven parked outside the cafe as MC waved as another girl was with her in an apron above her baby blue dress.

"There's Rika! Oh, wait! I mean Len!" Yoosung yelled as you facepalmed, "Get over her bro."

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