Late for map collecting.

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The next day was very hectic indeed. Derek, Jerry or Christopher didn't even bother to wake them, so they were late getting their maps and planners. The receptionist wasn't very happy because she had to go and print some more maps of for them. "Great, in trouble on the first day." Shawn sighed. "And I promised my parents I wouldn't get in trouble like my older brother. He's in this school too." The receptionist walked in at that moment. "Wait is your surname Fredrickson?" She asked. Shawn nodded. Then she continued. "And I suspect your brother is Edward Frederickson. I'm keeping my eye on you boys. Now go before I punish you for being late to map and planner collection."

The two boys ran/walked out of the receptionists sight and found out they were near the science department. They wondered around the school til lunch time. Each room had a place they could heat up stuff and make stuff. Shawn and Sheldon made sandwiches.

They had a week before the term officially started and that was one of the best weeks in Sheldon's life. They spent their days on the fields and forest on the 100 acers of school grounds. Exploring and climbing trees. There was this one big tree that they found themselves up alot. Turns out that Shawn had been bullied too. Sheldon explained the fantastic TV show we all know and love (Doctor who) to Shawn and in return, he explained the amazing game known as Mario kart to Sheldon. Although they couldn't actually watch Doctor who or play Mario kart, they could talk about it. And if you think about it, taking is very important. But talking about what you like is even more important because you're bonding and socializing with people over things that make you happy.

Shawn and Sheldon loved nothing more then racing through the fields and just hanging out together. They compared their timetables and were overjoyed when they found they had all the same lessons. Derek told them how to skip lessons (just in case). Christopher warned them about certain teachers and Jerry let them know about upcoming events they needed to attend.

In about a days time, Shawn and Sheldon would be bored out of their minds in Mr Kenny's English class, so the boys made to most of their last free day. They walked right to the edge of the school grounds and talked about what their life at home was like. Shawn told Sheldon about his older brother, Edward. Edward always got into trouble and was almost alway late for something. He was always sneaking out of school and running to the nearest village.

Edward is almost always with his gang. The do exactly what he says. The gang was made up of 5 other boys. Giovani Sampson, a blonde, tall, skinny boy. He hardly ever talks and gives people these stares that tells you exactly what his intentions were. Barkley Taylor, probably the strongest 15 year old ever. Douglas Baxter, small, skinny and fast. Calum Daniels, clever and devious. And finally Jack Camron, pretty dumb.

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