Chapter 5 {Gajeel's POV}

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Enjoy my angst. 


I watched her as she quietly sipped her coffee, every once and awhile a single tear would slip down her cheeks, but she would quickly wipe them away. 

"So, um, why weren't you at school today?" I asked, desperate to break the obviously uncomfortable silence.

"I didn't feel like showing up." She responded quietly.

"Oh, Lucy Heartfilia showed up with a broken nose." I said, hoping to make her laugh or something.

"Yeah, I know." She responded looking down as if in shame as pink flushed her cheeks. 

"How?" I asked utterly confused. (A/n Gajeel, the usual dense idiot.)

"I, uh, I'm the one who did it to her..." She muttered quietly.

Thank god I hadn't sipped any of my coffee cause I would have spit it everywhere.

"I did not see that coming shrimp!" I responded, amused that she inflicted so much damage. 

"Yeah, neither did she." She said with an obviously forced smile and a chuckle. 

"So, um, what happened yesterday that made ya so upset?" I asked warily.

"Um, my... My mother passed..." She said whispering the last part. (A/n so much ANGST.)

"I, I'm so sorry..." I said as we fell into another awkward silence. 

I looked down at her hand on the table and reached forwards and grabbed it, giving it a squeeze as she looked up at me and flashing her a genuine smile.

________________________________________________________________________________OK I know its short but too bad. All the angst will calm down in a few chapters, next chapter will be the funeral, (I'm going to make 2 parts, one from Levy's POV, and one from Lucy's POV (Exciting ikr?) SO yea, after that, the real adventure will commence, Gihihi.

You Don't Really Care... {GALE}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat