Chapter 9: Just the beginning of it.

Start from the beginning

Mysterious voice: boo!

Tohru gasped and looked around the tree. she saw Akito standing over the tree.

Tohru: oh Akito, you scared me.

Akito smirked and sat next to the tree.

Tohru: why are you out here?

Akito: I should be asking you the same thing.

Tohru gave him a smile and just looked around the tree.

Tohru: I'm just looking around. taking a breather.

Akito: so I guess we're both doing the same thing.

Tohru giggled really hard.

Tohru: I guess we are.

Akito and Tohru just sat there talking and joking with each other.

Tohru: Akito, may I ask you something?

Akito: sure.

Tohru: um........before this whole thing with me getting comfortable with the place, did some weird, unexplainable things happened to you?

Akito looked at her with a normal facial expression.

Akito: actually yes, some weird things did happened to me.

Tohru's thoughts: is it what I'm thinking now?

Tohru: what were they?

Before Akito could speak, he stopped and heard someone coming. he moved Tohru to the other side of the tree. Tohru gasped and gave a “what the-?” look. Akito gave a “I'll explain” look. then she hidden behind the tree and listened for the signal to go.

Hatori: Akito, something told me you were out here.

Akito sarcastically: oh Hatori, what a pleasant surprise.

Hatori: Lose the sarcasm, Akito.

Akito glared at Hatori and just rolled his eyes.

Akito: what do you want, Hatori?

Hatori: I'm kinda looking for Tohru.

Tohru eyes grew big and she covered her mouth to hold in her gasps.

Akito: OK....why are you out here if you're looking for that inspect?

Tohru was a little concerned with Akito saying stuff about her like that.  Akito knew inside what he said might have hurt her dearly.

Hatori: because Kiki told me that she was out here. have you seen her?

Akito: what am I? her manager? no I haven't seen her.

Hatori: OK, well if you see her, let me know.

Akito: don't tell me what to do, Hatori. I'll have a maid send you a message if I see her, which probably I won't.

Hatori nod his head and made his way back to the office. when the close was clear Akito looked behind the tree and found Tohru with her mouth covered and tears rolling down her face. Akito sighed and scooped her up and placed her in his lap.

Akito: you know I didn't mean all that stuff, right?

Tohru uncovered her mouth and nodded her head and looked at her hands.

Tohru: I know you didn't mean to.

Akito: its just...they shouldn't know about us. I don't any rumors going around. its anxiously annoying. you understand what I mean?

Well, its just love. (Fruits Basket Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now