Chapter 3: The Dream

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Tohru stood there in fear as the man, the man that hated her so much, was just looking at her spiteful.

Tohru: A-Akito…

Akito: hello! I asked you a question. what are you doing here?

Tohru: I-I was just looking around. I hope I'm not causing a problem.

Akito: yeah, you are. standing there acting so fucking stupid.

Tohru stared at the ground. then she just walked past him but got yanked back. she yelped as she hit against the wall. Akito grabbed her by the shirt.

Akito: did I say you could leave?! don't you ever leave when I'm talking to you, got it?!

Tears rolled down Tohru's face.

Tohru: y-yes sir.

Then Kiki appeared out of no where.

Kiki: oh Akito. there you are. I've been looking for you...

She looked at Akito then Tohru. she gave him a look.

Kiki: Akito! what are you doing to her?

Akito: none of your concerns!

Kiki: Akito, you're frightening her. please let her go.

Akito: This isn't any of your business! return to your duties as a servant!

Kiki: it is my business! I'm her servant!

Akito: did you just talked back to me?

Akito dropped Tohru and turned towards Kiki.

Akito: who did you think you're talking to, little girl?!

Kiki glared at Akito. she was obviously too through with Akito and his spitefulness.

Kiki: I just came here to tell you something until I found you jacking up Tohru by her shirt, which you have no business doing.

Tohru gasped. she never seen anyone stand up to Akito.

Akito: it is my business!!! you better stay in place little girl, before I have to…

Kiki: before you have to what? punish me? remember Akito, I'm your sister, not one of the other maids who you harass everyday with your smart remarks.

Akito glared at Kiki. Tohru looked at both of them.

Kiki: come on Tohru, I have your dinner ready.

Kiki helped Tohru up and they both walked off but Kiki stopped.

Kiki: oh I forgot, your dinner is already in your room. you're welcome.

Kiki raised her eyebrows and walked with Tohru to the kitchen. Akito glared at them hatefully.

Kiki: you OK Tohru?

Tohru: yes,I-I'm fine.

Kiki: I'm so sorry that my brother harassed you like that. he had no business doing that. what an immature man.

Tohru: no, its really OK.

Kiki: are you sure?

Tohru: yes, I am sure.

Kiki: OK, well you can go eat your dinner. I'll be in my room if you need me.

Tohru: OK, thank you.

Kiki walked off towards her room. Tohru walked towards the kitchen to eat her food. After she was finished, she walked in her room. she changed into her pajamas, climbed into bed and fell asleep.

Well, its just love. (Fruits Basket Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu