Chapter 3

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That fateful day had seen a beautiful friendship blossom, at least it seems that way.
Mason follows me everywhere.
He considers me his unofficial authority on all things to do with Base 9, and the Revealers that the scientists so avidly search for.

Today was just another in my new routine, as we make our way through the mess hall's breakfast line, our movements slow and tired - like the cattle I once saw in a video during biology class when I was Mason's age. They had lumbered on towards their favourite grazing grounds, as I too lumbered on towards my own 'fruitful' breakfast. But, unlike those ungulates, I did not like a strictly vegetarian diet, let alone meal. The only one I tolerate is porridge because at least it's warm. The fruit being heaped onto our plates was nothing but cold and recently defrosted.

A shiver rippled down my back as I scowl at the two bowls in my hand.

With only six people between me and my meal I began to look at the exit willing Mason to come through one any second, it was unusual for him to be late for breakfast and that worried me. What if he was called in for surprise testing, what if he had been a Revealer all along and they finally caught him.

My worries ceased when he came through the mess hall doors with a familiar gleam in the green flecks of his eyes. One I had come to associate with a successful 'acquisition' of prohibited items.

"Selena you won't believe the luck I had this morning," his wide-eyed smile was infectious as he spoke in hurried whispers "one of the girl guards had a whole stack of that uh, uh- "

He clicked his fingers in thought "- paraketamol? Yeah, that stuff, well it was in her backpack just sitting there with the zip half open and I managed to grab the whole box."

I could hardly keep myself from laughing and settled for an incredulous look. There were only four people between us and breakfast now.

"Oh, but don't worry Selena, I put one set of the pills back in her bag - it took a bit more time but I did it, you know, cause you said that if I found pills in one of the girl guards bags that I should be a gentleman and at least leave her with one set of them" Mason was beginning to ramble and now I felt the laughs falling from my lips. I bent over at the funny tug that settled in my rumbling gut with each laugh and ruffled his brown hair before pulling him to my side.

Being a seven year old boy, he fought my embrace and I eventually let him go, but I could see a smirk settling on his features.

"Well at least we can tick para-see-tamol off our list," I laughed again at Mason's huff of indignation and thanked the lady who placed the scoop of god-awful fruit in our bowls before handing one to Mason.

We made our way to our corner.

"Why do only the girl guard's have paracetamol? The question caught me off guard and I paused before sitting down on the shiny, cold metal bench.

"Uh," I stumbled over my words repeatedly and Mason indulged at having left me speechless, the darned kid loved to wave my mistakes over my head.

"Well?" he pushed.

"Well... they don't, the male guards have them too, it's just more common to find it on a female guard. I can't explain why" I clarified with a shrug.

I hate spring, my corner is always too cold without the porridge steam, and right now – in all my awkwardness – I missed its comfort.

Once we finished our fruit we left the common area, Mason was only too eager to avoid the glares that Brax sent him now and then, and to be honest so was I. The boy's hatred of Mason had only grown the longer he stuck around me, and I feared he would confront Mason soon. I have a theory that Brax had been hoping that Mason would get bored and leave my side, giving him a chance to attack.

Like hell that was happening.

Mason's chattering snapped me back to attention and I found we were walking past one of the testing doors, having taken the long way around to my room. It was framed by steel and had a single engraved steel plaque that read 'SECOND STAGE TESTING'.

"Selena, do you actually know what goes on behind that door." He looked into my eyes with his own and I noticed the genuine curiosity sitting behind them.

I just shook my head slowly and said "nothing, just that that's the first place they take a Revealer"

Suddenly I heard shuffling feet and hushed voices, speaking rapidly. I yanked Mason behind me and around the corner. Once he was safely hidden, I chanced a glance back at the scene.

Two guards had a young boy and a young girl slung over their shoulders trailing behind are three scientists chattering excitedly. The guard's faces were grim and featured multiple fresh cuts, tousled hair and were breathing as if recently winded. The scientists impatiently opened the doors and swiftly entered with the swish of their lab coats, mentions of 'air', 'attack' and 'other boy' skimmed by my ears and continued along the slight breeze that, weirdly, flowed through the corridor.

The soldiers followed and I had to hold back a gasp. The young kids were the twins who had arrived with Mason, their hands brushed against each other as they hung limp. The girl's ringlet curls hung down over her innocent face and the boy's face showed a bruise forming above his left eye as his own curls swept to the side with the movement.

The door closed behind them and Mason stormed towards the door. Fear flooded my system and I yanked him back, he was really mad for a seven-year-old.

"What do you think you're doing?" I demanded flatly in hushed tones.

"Let go of me Selena," his voice cracked slightly and I sympathised for him, i'd told him what happens to Revealers, they were never seen again, at least not after third stage testing.

"You can't go in there, you'll break the rules and then even I can't protect you from their punishment, and trust me it is not fun." I shook him, emphasizing the urgency behind my tone.

"They're my friends,"

"Well, then why don't you ever spend time with them?"

"Well, they sorta are –"

"So you're going to risk your life for sort of friends?" my look screamed how immature that sounded.

"We lived in the same area, you know... when I was on the streets." His own voice grew small and tired and I pulled him in for a hug.

Suddenly it came to me.

The scientist's words had new meaning. The 'other boy' must be Mason, if they found the three of them together they might assume him to be a Revealer. My arms tightened around the young boy that had become like a brother to me in the four short weeks past.

I pulled back to look at the sobbing boy.

"Come on, let's get back to my room and go through what we have... okay" I spoke calmly despite the warning signals flaring in the back of my head, screaming for me to get Mason away from that demonic door.

He nodded, his eyes never leaving the floor and his brunette locks fell in front of his face. It had grown darker, no longer getting enough sunlight to bleach a few dappled streaks an ashen blonde. His hair lacked the patterns that made it look like a forest floor at midday.

We were at my door before long and I took him in and sat him down on my bed before grabbing a bottle of water and the list out of my toiletries bag. Giving the water to Mason I began to read off what we had.

"Water, Knives, Clothes, Band-Aids, Scissors, Strapping tape, Bandages, Dettol, paper, pencil's, Money and now to complete it we have paracetamol." I ticked off the last item with the pen I'd sourced from my desk, the lid firmly caught between my teeth.

"We're done, it only took four years, but we're done," I smiled up at Mason, an incredulous giggle rising from the giddy feeling in my stomach. But Mason had fallen asleep, curled up on her bed and the feeling settled to contentment. We wouldn't be here much longer, we just had to wait for the right opportunity. Besides the scientist's would be coming for him soon, at least once they're done with the twins.

Sighing I simply laid down beside him and wrapped my arms around him securely. Soon enough, I too fell asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 25, 2017 ⏰

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