chapter 2

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Kayla POV
So me  ,deven tre,jalen,kyree,mya take jazmine and yazmine home then we all watch a movie then jazmine go to the bathroom so she was in there for 10 minutes so she come back in so I see tears on her face I ask what is wrong she said nothing so I just keep watching the movie

Jazzmine POV
So we was all  watching the movie I was think of my mom so go to the bathroom for 10 minutes and looking at my mom pictures then I came out and Kayla ask me what is wrong and I said nothing because I don't want her in my busy so I just finished  watching the movie

So jazmine wake me up when the movie was over then seen deaven,Kayla,and jalen and mya so yazmine and kyree walk to the park then waited to jalen came back

Jalen POV
So walk mya home then I walk to yazmine and jazmine house so see tre is wake and ready so then tre call me and ask me where I'm at so I said on my way then he said OK

Yazmine POV
So me and kyree walk to the park then I see the girl I was fighting I saw her sister so I was going to walk over there then that's when kyree pulled me back so the I rolled my eyes at her and went to the swig and kyree pushing  me

Kyree so we was walking yazmine walking to this girl so I stop her and take her to the swig and push her then I realize that girl is the girl sister that yazmine fighting

Sorry for update late and for the short chapter hope all enjoy love y'all byeeeeeee

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