Feeling Poem

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Hey guys this is another poem that i wrote and I really needed to share it with ya'll cuz this is another poem about feeling. I called it 'Why' because that's the question that runs through my head everytime I'm around my dad. He really doesn't treat me like I deserve and I wrote this because I really needed to write something.

Please let me know what you think and don't be afraid to tell me you hate it or anything.

Thanks guys!

Ya'll are awsome!

~Torrie Coulter~




Why must you make me feel pain in me?

Is it because you want me to suffer like you have?

Is it fun for you to hurt me?

Why do you have to make me cry?

Is it because you have nothing better to do?

Do you enjoy making me suffer?

Even though I'm sick, Why do you continue to treat me worse?

Does it make you feel better knowing you're not the only one suffering anymore?

Why do you have to watch me suffer like you did?

Is it because you want your daughter to hurt like you did?

Does it make you happy knowing that I'm hurting because of you?

Why won't you open your eyes and see,

that I'm hurting everyday from the pain you put on me

And the pain I have from being sick with three diseases?

If you truly loved me dad,

Why won't you treat me with the respect that I deserve and need?

Why won't you help me get better from having asthma, arthritis, and scoliosis?

Why must you cause me more pain than I'm already in?

Is it because you don't really love me?

Or you're afraid to sit down with me and talk?

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 26, 2010 ⏰

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