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Cam's P.O.V

I can't believe I'm being such an idiot right now! Imogen probably thinks that I'm weird because I keep staring at her and I just don't know what to say.
The elevator finally opens and reveals the lobby, filled with people. I look over to the couches and see the boys there waiting with Bart. They must be waiting for us!
"They're over there!" I point out and we make our way towards them.

Johnson's P.O.V

Wow! Imogen takes forever to get ready sometimes, but Cam is with her.
Should I be concerned? Should I go and check on them?
My thoughts were interrupted by Matt.
"Finally!" He said over dramatically. We all looked over to the elevators, I don't know about the others, but I can't keep my eyes off Imogen!
"Wow, Imogen looks amazing!" Taylor whispered, a bit too loud.
"Yeah, I know!" I smiled as she walked over to us.

She notices me staring at her and starts to blush. I make my way over to her and give her a big hug and whisper in her ear.
"You look amazing!" She pulls away and has a big smile on her face.
"Aww, You're too sweet Jack." She cooed and ran her fingers through my hair.
"Well, I can't help it when I have the most amazing girl on this planet, standing in front of me!" I caressed her warm cheek in my hand and looked in her beautiful sparkly eyes.
"Thanks, Jack!" She smiled and intertwined our hands.

Cam's P.O.V

As we were walking over to the cars, I looked over at Imogen and Johnson and saw that they were hand in hand and enjoying each others company. I wish I had a girl like that.........No, I wish I had Imogen! Why do I always mess things up for myself?

Imogen's P.O.V

We finally made it to building where the meeting is. It's quite tall and very fancy. Johnson helps me out of the car and links arms with me as we started to walk to the building. We were ahead of all boys and Lilly, but Bart was leading us there as he knew where to go and no one else had any idea where everything was.
I heard someone wolf whistle, so I turned around and saw Gilinsky laughing with the Griers. Johnson also looked behind us and laughed quietly.
"Get some Johnson!" Hayes shouted, earning a glare from Bart.
"Hayes, Cut it out!" Bart warned. Hayes went quiet and everyone tried to hold in their laughter, Johnson couldn't hold it in and made me laugh.

We soon calmed down and entered the building. Going into this large room with people sitting at one end of this long table. They must be the business people Bart was on about.
I suddenly feel a wave of nerves wash over me. I must have tensed up because Johnson gave me a worried look.
"Are you ok?" He asked.
"Yeah, I just feel nervous for some reason!" I reply and look at the people as we take our seats at the table.

It was rather boring, I mainly just sat there and answered a couple questions they asked me, but that was it really. It went on for 2 hours, most of those 2 hours I spent playing with Johnson's hand under the table as we were sitting next to each other and holding hands. He kept looking at me and smiling every few minutes while I was just concentrating with what I was doing.
We finally left the room and got back into the cars so we could go and eat something.

"Thank god that is over! I'm absolutely starving!" Gilinsky complained while getting in and sitting next to Johnson as I was on the other side of Johnson.
"So, Who wants to play a game?" Aaron asks.
"Me!" The Jack's and I all reply in unison.
"Truth or dare?" Johnson asks.
"Yeah!" Aaron says.
"Ok, I'll go first! Aaron, Out of Lilly and Imogen, Who would you date if they were both single?" Gilinsky asked Aaron. Things got a little awkward for me.
"Uh........Probably...........I don't know! Imogen?" He stuttered.
"Why?" Gilinsky asked.
"Because I've known her longer and I know what she's like!" He replied unsure of what he just said.

"Imogen! Who is your most favourite Magcon boy?" Aaron asks me.
"That's hard!" I pause and think. "Probably Johnson!" I feel my cheeks starting to burn so I look at the floor, avoiding any eye contact with the boys.
Aaron and Gilinsky started to cheer as Johnson lifted up my head and looked me in the eyes. I gaze into his amazing eyes and I start to smile.

God, I just want to kiss him so badly! Please give us a private moment during the next couple of hours? I would really appreciate it! Who the fuck am I even talking to?

I realized that I have been staring at him for ages and he's probably been trying to get my attention this whole time.
"Earth to Imogen!" He waved his hand in front of my face.
"Huh?......What?" I finally zoned back to Earth.
"We're here!" He said and gave me a weird look..........Great!
"Oh, Ok!" I said awkwardly.

Gilinsky's P.O.V

Imogen has become mental! She just stared at Johnson for 5 minutes straight and we couldn't get her attention. She finally came back to Earth and I think she realized that she was staring for a really long time.

Aaron and I got out of the car and left Imogen and Jack alone for a bit. We saw the others and joined them.
"Where's Imojack?" Nash asked.
"Imojack?" I asked confused.
"It's hard to come up with a ship name for those two ok?" He said sassily.
We all gave him a weird look.
"They will be here soon! They just needed to talk!" Aaron said.
"Oh, ok!"

Johnson's P.O.V

"Sorry for staring at you! I'm so weird!" She said and sounded annoyed with herself.
"It's ok, I find it quite cute when you're weird!" I say to lighten the mood. I move a strand of hair out of her face and put it behind her ear.
"You know you're beautiful right?" I tell her.
"Why does everyone keep telling me that? I know I'm not so wh-" I cut her off by kissing her. Her lips were so soft and moved in sync with mine perfectly. I've been waiting for this moment forever! I wanted to keep going, but we needed to go so I pulled away slowly.
"Wow!" She gasps and looks into my eyes.
"Don't ever say you're not! Ok?" I demand. She nods and we both get out and find the others.

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