"Really Impressive Udit. Great sense of smell. I am sure you ll pass the test of smell in the batch, but before that time comes, we want you to open upto us about your past". Sheena praised and explained instantly.

His posture became rigid right there, as sweat beads covered his forehead which didn't go unnoticed by Sheena.

"What do you mean?"

"Can we sit and talk?" She asked and nodding his head, he made his way towards the bed taking slow steps and both the females followed his suite.

"Karishma, there is a chair in the right. Take five steps and drag it till here". Sheena ordered as she took her place on the bed and Udit felt some weird sensation developing in his system knowing that, he recognized her presence.

Karishma obliged and once she was seated, Sheena explained the reason of their visit.

"Udit, me and Anita Ma'am think that you need help to cope up with your emotions. Hence, we have decided that Karishma is going to counsel you".

"What?" He stood up in shock.

"And why the hell will she help me? She isn't a professional and if you guys think I need help, then get me one professional counselor. Why her?" He yelped running his hand through his hairs in frustration.

Fidgeting with her fingers, Karishma finally spoke, "I am not a professional but I have done practical training in my college. I can help you".

"Ms. Wahi, you better stay out of it. I don't need your any help. Do you get that. Mind your own business. Don't meddle in my life. And Ms. Sheena, if Anita Ma'am is so keen about my emotional issues then she shouldn't have enrolled me here in first place". He replied outraged but both Karishma and Sheena sensed the fear and vulnerability in his words clearly.

"Udit, firstly calm down and listen to me without losing your temper on that poor soul who is trying to help you only".

Sheena eyed Karishma keenly who looked a little shaken up due to the sudden turn of events, but masking her uncertainty, she composed her emotions and plastered a calm look on her face.

"Are you going to speak or both of you are planning to give me a headache?"

"Firstly, we aren't trying to give you a headache in fact we want you to relax your mind that is why we have come up with this arrangement. Udit, I understand your life has been complicated and no one knows what you have gone through but blocking yourself in your past is not the solution for anything. You need to let out your emotions and take a second chance to live freely. You are here to learn from us but if you won't ever got over your past, how do you expect to make a new beginning. Tell me yourself, how much have you understood the surroundings here? Can you come out of your room all alone without any fear nagging at the back of your mind?" Sheena explained him whilst he remained mumb, knowing fully well that she was asking the truth.

Karishma felt his vulnerability in his silence clearly, and she didn't know why but she felt a pang in her chest. His silence was the indication of his unsaid pain.

"Your silence answers for you Udit. And the reason why we can't provide you a professional psychologist, is because you don't need a professional but a friend who can cope up with your anger as well as mood swings. And I am sure you can't deny the fact that in just four days only, Karishma has done that well from what I have witnessed". She added with a Victorious smile on her lips seeing him pondering over her words.

"I have a condition".

"What is it?" This time Karishma was the one to ask, hearing his confident statement.

Illumination Of Souls[Completed]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें