The begining of the Gold digging.

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"Your so beautiful!" Grandma said as she gave me a kiss upon my forehead with a smile stretched from one light semi brown ear to the other. I believed her then.
I push myself to reminisce on the memory , to gain self confidence , but for some reason the memory refuses to fill my spirit with the pleasure I need. I don't believe her now.
"Oh look she's so beautiful!" I saw a finger point. The finger belonged to a friend of mine who I met on the first day of school. We became such good friends because she wanted my self esteem and confidence. my ego and pride just needed someone to talk to.
The girl she pointed to was a tall , skinny Latino with long wavy hair.
I didnt say anything because I already noticed her beauty before the finger point and agreed in my head.
Others agreed too. I'm sure of it.. At least that's what I got from the blank expressions of others with a 0.5 second glance. The rest of my lunch consisted of my friends sighting out more pretty girls with the pupil of their eyes , me gaining self control over my confidence , and pretending that I didn't recognize anyone who looked better than me.

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