chapter one

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                                                                 ⌘ Chapter One ⌘

The rain fell from the sky as I headed towards the main entrance of Adrian highschool. The weather in Oregan is always shit. The dark clouds that floated above me were downpouring with copious amounts of rain.

"Great way to start the new school year." I mumbled to myself as I stared outside the doors. I felt soft lips press onto my cheeks. I turned around to find Matt smiling down on me, his blue eyes sparkling brighter than ever. And, his blonde hair laying flatly on his head like it always does." He looked good in his basketball jersey,  "I missed you." He says kissing my lips once more. I smiled at him, "I was only gone for two weeks for camp." "Two weeks is a long time for me." Matt says planting another kiss on my lips. 

A disgusted noise escapes as the front entrance door of the school opens. Matt and I turn our heads to face Emily. Emily's red hair is curled to perfection, she's wearing a knee length skirt and a blouse with a coat. Emily's usual attire. The stack of books in her hands, seems to have grown since last year. 

"You two may not share the same mark, but I swear to god you guys sure act like you do." Emily says. 

I laugh at her comment, "We don't need marks, to tell us who we're destined to be with."

"You sort of do, it's written in the books." Emily responds scrunching her lips to one side.

I roll my eyes at her as my thoughts wander to my mark-less body.  Matt was marked with a bird, and Emily had a triangle, and here I am stuck with no mark. I twiddle my fingers as  Matt and Emily staring at me sympathetically. 

"Don't." I say in a soft whisper.

"I'm pretty sure there's a reason as to why you're not marked." Emily speaks trying not to hurt my feelings. The truth is no one has this mark, it's only me. I've always felt like it's only been me, I've always felt out of place. 

Before I can respond the warning bell rings, and I say goodbye as I head off to my classes. The first four periods go by a blur, until I reach fifth period.

Mythology Rm 212. Mr. Adams.

I walk into the room and take a seat in the second row near the windows. A couple minutes and kids are piling inside the room scurrying to find seats, before the teacher walks in.

"Good Morning, or Good Afternoon I should say."

 "Anyone know any good jokes huh? The psychology teacher walks into the room? No? Okay." My teacher says as he loosens his tie, as the awkward tension in the room increases. I smile as I look down at the desk. 

My eyes shoot up as a boy walks into the room. His hair is styled up with soft curls hanging in the front. His bambi eyes lighter than the normal color. He was wearing a white tshirt and dark tight fitted jeans. A single notebook was held in his hand, and a pen was stuck inside the binding.  

His eyes locked on mine, as he noticed me staring. I quickly averted my gaze towards the window, playing with the side of my hair. 

"Ah, and who may you be?" Mr. Adams curiously asked. 

"Erik Blackburn." He spoke his tone raspy. 

"Well, Mr. Blackburn please try your best to make it on time, please take a seat next." Mr. Adams points towards the classroom and Erik's gaze looks around the room for a chair. I freeze when I notice he's standing between the windows and me. The only chair that's available is the one next to mine. But, why am I freaking out? I calm myself down as he sits down next to me. I exhale as I open my notebook, to take notes on what Mr. Adams is saying. I glance over at Erik who's doing nothing but staring at me. His gaze makes me feel uncomfortable, I squirm awkwardly all period trying to concentrate on what Mr. Adams is saying. Once the bell rings, I precipitate my movements and scurry out the room.

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