It's finally over

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"Did you think I was serious about that?"

Jumin could see the sadness in Zens' eyes.He runaway after that.Zen went for his motorcycle,he needed a ride to clear his mind.He started the bike and went on full speed.He couldn't hold it and started crying.In a second he wasn't paying attention and crashed.Blood was everywhere. His vision went bloor and he passed out.It was luck that V was there.He told the other members what happend in messinger.Jumin was shocked.He told driver Kim to take him to the hospital.Was this his fault?
As soon as he knew what number Zens room was he ran there in seconds.When he entered the room he was shook to see Zen in such bad state.


After a minute Zen spoke.

"Who are you?Do I know you?"

And thats when Jumin broke in pieces.


-Jumins pov-

I woke up panting.I had a horrible nigtmare.What was that all about,did i fucked up?Something is not right..

~ Time Skip~

It has passed a couple of days now.Zen is acting weird and ignoring me constantly.I decided to make it right this time and went to his house to ask him.


-Zens pov-

I heard someonw knock on my door.As I opened them I saw the last person I would want to see.

"Jumin what the hell are you doing here!?"

"I came to ask you whats wrong,you have been acting weird."

He could just do that thru messinger!

"I have been acting weird,I!?What about you Jumin calling me those disguisting names and messing with my feelings like that?!"
Shit.I just told him how I feel damn.I have to go away from him.

As Zen went out Jumin just smirked.

"Who wold have known ha?"


I was smoking right now,but i know that wont help much.Im such an idiot.This place relaxes me a bit.


I recognised that voice in an instant.Jumin.

"What are you doing here Jumin,how did you know I was here!?""He just stays silent and walk towards me.It happend so fast i couldn't react.He takes the cigarette from my hand and throws it.His hand is on my waist and the other on my chin."I knew you would be here"I looked in his eyes "Im sorry Zen." What? I didn't have the chance to speak as his lips crashed on mine.I put my hands around his neck.I didn't even realise his tongue was in my mouth and we were kissing like it was the last time.After like seemed forever we pulled away.

"I love you,i wanted to tell you for so long."

I put my head on his shoulder,oh god how happy I was to finally hear him say that."You don't know how long I waited to hear that,I love you too."

"Wait,Jumin don't you have work?"

"This is more important Hyun."


When I was heading home on my bike I was caught on my thoughts and i didn't realise before it was too late.I crashed into a car and passed out.


-jumins pov-

How can this be,its the same as my nightmare.Did Zen lost his memories...?I was on my way to hospital,and as fast as I founded Zens room I entered .I was so afraid to see if its true,if he doen't remember me?



I wasn't expecting that-JuZenWhere stories live. Discover now