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It was just yesterday
That I held your hand,
Held you on my lap
And played with you.

Yesterday, you could barely walk,
You could barely even call out
Mom and dad's name.
You were a baby for us.

Pampered, loved and adored,
You were our happiness.
You brought joy to our home.
You, the apple of every eye.

Today, it is hard to believe
What is happening.
You're a teen now.
Is it joy or sadness I feel?

I am filled with joy
That you've grown up.
Yet, to think that you
No more will be the little girl.

We will miss the baby girl,
The sweet jolly girl,
The girl we pampered,
The sweet baby girl is no more.

You've come out of your cocoon.
All that remains is for you
To fly with colourful wings.
To rise up high into the sky.

Do not be afraid of heights
For you have been lifted
High up for fourteen years.
You only need to do it yourself.

If you fall, remember that
We are still there for you,
To lift you up again.
To give you a hand.

Fourteen years of journey,
Good days and bad ones,
You've experienced them.
Walk the rest with dignity.

Let joy be your heart.
Let wisdom be your brain.
Let kindness be your hands.
Let confidence be your body.

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