Chapter 4

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Chapter 4:


Now that we had gotten the Guardians names out of the way, it was time for ours. Yeah! (Note the sarcasm)

"As you know, I'm Perseus Jackson, Son of Poseidon, god of the sea. But please, call me Percy." They nodded. Jack smiled.

"Okay Perseus." Percy glared at him.

Next, it was Piper.

"I am Piper McLean, Daughter of Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty. I'm also a charmspeaker." Sandy made a bunch of symbols over his head.

"What's he saying?" Piper asked sweetly.

"He's asking what a charmspeaker is." Annabeth said.

"Oh. Well, it mean I can get people to do what I want, just by telling them." North looked thoughtful.

"That could come in handy."

Next, was Annabeth, then me, then Leo.

"I am Annabeth Chase, Daughter of Athena, goddess of wisdom and battle strategy."

"So, your good at planing mate?" Annabeth nodded.

"Also helpful." North stated. My turn, I thought.

"I am Jason Grace, Son of Jupiter, lord of the sky, King of the gods."

"Hey. Hold up a sec." Jack interrupted.

"I thought Zeus, was The Lord of the sky and stuff like that." I nodded.

"He is, but well....... It's complicated." The Guardians looked confused for a moment, then let it go.

Good. I thought. I don't have to explain that I'm Roman.

"I am Leo Valdez, Son of Hephaestus, god of the forges and fire. I'm also a fire user." He glared at Jack's seat. I forgot Leo couldn't see him.

"Can all your brothers and sisters do that mate?" Bunny sounded a little hopeful.

"Nope. Just me." They nodded. North called over a yeti.

"Give Mr. Valdez here a tour of the workshop. I feel, (in my belly!) that Mr. Valdez is very good with tools." Leo nodded.

"You got that right. Oh, and does this yeti have a name." North paused.

"I don't think the yetis HAVE names." Tooth said. There was an awkward silence.

"Well, I'm going to follow the yeti now. Peace!" And Leo was gone.



For the next hour we were trying to make a plan. According to North's "belly" one of the enemies is a guy named Pitch Black. Who turns out to be the bogeyman. Yea. He's real.

"I think I have someone who could help!" Percy exclaimed.

"And who might that be mate?" Bunny asked. Apparently he was Australian, and don't confuse him with a Kangaroo. Jack had called him that once, and he wasn't very happy.

"My cousins! Do you have anyway we could get to them?" North nodded.

"Ready the Sleigh!" Percy paled. So did Bunny.

"Umm.,,,,,...... North? I can't go in the air." North laughed.

"Nonsense! If Bunny could do it, you can too."

With much difficulty, we got Percy into the sleigh. (With a little help form Leo and Jack, we got him in) And it wasn't a rickety hundred year old sleigh. It was so awesome, I can't put it into words. Let's just say, for Christmas, I want a small version. I wonder is Leo could make something like that...........

"Now, there is one rule in the sleigh. Hold on."

"TO WHAT?!?!" Percy and Bunny yelled at the same time. Leo laughed at them. North took off.

We went around and around.

"I hope you like the looped loops!" (Taken form the movie Rise of the Guardians)

"I hope you like blue food." Percy muttered. We looked at him funny.

"What?" He asked. We shrugged.

Finally, we were in the air. Which was a relief. I was starting to see why Bunny hated taking the sleigh.

"Now, Percy, where do your cousins live.....?"


MP (Mystery Person)

I hated my life. How could I betray Percy!?

"Are you ready to go?" Pitch asked.

"Where are we going?" Pitch smiled.

"We are going to wake up somebody who could help us win the war." I frowned.

"Who?" I asked.

"Kronos." I gasped.

"Why would you wake up him?" I asked.

"Because you stupid child! Form what I have heard is that he is extremely powerful. Even more powerful than the gods." I snorted. He glared at me.

"What was that?" I flinched.

"Nothing. It's just that, Percy has beaten him before." He nodded.

"Yes, I know. Which is why your here. Percy can't stand people betraying him." He laughed. I hung my head in shame.


So. Any more ideas on who the traitor is?

Remember. Whoever guesses gets a chapter dedicated to them.


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Check it out! :)


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