Understay VIII - The Near Hereafter

Start from the beginning

"M-mom!" Asriel objected, despite being silent to all but Frisk.

"However." everybody fell silent for a second, curious to know what came next. "I can see that the child has taken a liking to you. Seeing you like this..." she turned to look into the ruins. "Seeing you here... it's reminded me of so many lovely memories..." she turned back to Asgore, smiling slightly. "It reminded me not of Asgore Dreemurr, king of the monsters, but of Asgore Dreemurr, mister dad guy. It reminded me of my Fluffybuns."

"Tori..." Asgore was smiling broadly,  on the verge of tears.

"I will accept you back, Asgore... If you tell everybody the truth about humans. That they aren't a threat."

"Of course!" Asgore nodded, elated. Asriel was cheering too, and Frisk couldn't help but hug Toriel a little tighter. The Dreemurrs were together again.


It was a few days later. Frisk and Asgore were at Mettaton's stage, the announcement due soon.

"Thankyou, Shyren!" Mettaton applauded, gliding his way to centre stage. He was in his standard form, wheeling around easily.

"Alphys' repairs are really good." Frisk commented. His other eye had changed to look like Asriel's over these few days, and the roots of his hair had faded to white.

"You can barely tell he was damaged." Asgore nodded approvingly.

"Wonderful as always, ladies and gentlemen, let's give her another hand!" The applause started again, and soon died down. "Now, I have a very special guest this evening, and he's got something that's set to rock your world to the Core... and all the way back to Snowdin!" he paused for laughter, which the audience happily provided. Frisk thought Sans was better. "Ladies and gentlemen, put your appendages together for his highness, the saviour of monsters, King Asgore!" He wheeled aside, letting Asgore take centre stage. The audience went wild, cheers and whistling muting his attempts to greet them. A microphone slid up from the ground, the top shaking slightly as it extended to full length. Asgore was too tall to use it properly, but chuckled and bent to talk into it.

"Good evening, everyone. As our host has said, I have some very important news to share, news that some of you may find distressing. I would like to confirm that, yes, the eighth human has fallen into the underground. However, unlike the previous six, the human is willing to help us, even at the cost of his own freedom. This is why he shall be staying with my wife and I in the ruins of Home until he passes on."

"Ooh, how exciting!" Mettaton added, wheeling closer. "But I thought your wife had left you?"

"Yes, she had, but we've recently reconciled." he smiled slightly. The audience cheered, although there were murmurs of discontent that the human was still alive. What about the scene at the hotel? Had that meant nothing? "Thankyou for asking, Mettaton, there is something else I aim to reconcile with. For us all to forgive." he looked straight into the camera, his expression deadly serious. "I, Asgore Dreemurr, hereby declare that we are no longer at war with humans. They are no longer a threat to our kind." The cheers quickly devolved into an uproar, the various monsters booing their objections.

"What about our freedom?"

"You're putting a human's happiness over ours!"

"You lied to us, Asgore!"

"I understand your confusion by this news, but given recent events, I believe this is for the best." He turned to look backstage. "Frisk, please come out." Frisk hesitated but obliged, stepping out from behind the curtains. The monster's roars grew louder, but quickly dulled to silence. They had noticed his eyes, his hair. They saw he was no longer human. "This human has opened his heart to us. He is becoming one of us in body. I hope you can accept him as one of us in spirit." Asgore headed over to Frisk,  resting a hand on his head. "Hm?" he frowned a little, heading off of the stage with Frisk while Mettaton tried to calm the audience down.

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