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I have been selfish thinking that I am unlucky,

 although I have eyes that see the pure snowflakes,

 ears that can hear Christmas cheers,

 A nose that smells the aroma of hot chocolate,

 a tongue that spreads Christmas wishes,

 Delicious food adorn the table,

 A family showers  me love and care,

 Friends who encourage me all the way,

 The sun who pours me warmth,

  wise trees who provide me with oxygen,

 Springs that offer me clean water,

Land who feeds me,

The moon who keeps me company,

and God, Who listens to my cries,

 Who comforts and helps me,

God, Who created this world,

 for us to enjoy and love.

 Thank you God,

For I am truly Lucky.

A/N: Thought I should write this, I wasn't  feeling happy, but then this came to my mind. We are lucky more than we think, and those troubles are a part of us, who help us to improve.... Think again, and you will see how lucky you are...

P.S. When I say friends, I say You too, my watt pad friends :) thank you for helping me . helping me to pursue writing poetry, I wouldn't be here without you( Bestie( you know who you are :) Owain, Bill, Seas, Sloan, Keni and many more( sorry if I didn't mention your name, but all of you have a special place in my heart :) )

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