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I remember a time right before the war. I was best friends with a human and we were playing in the river, even though we technically weren't supposed to. "Hey.... Wolf?" she said, looking at me. "Yeah?" I replied, splashing water at her a little. "You realize..... The community is breaking apart right? "she asked, looking away slightly. I looked away, realizing she was right. It wouldn't be long until we fell apart completely. I stared at the tattoo on my hand. It was a painful reminder that I was a part of the Psychotic/Crazy element, meaning I had to fight in any wars or battles we had. "Yeah" I finally replied. "Well....... Promise we'll always be friends, no matter what"? I sighed and nodded. "I promise".

  But we never saw each other
Until much later

So.... Umm... Yeah this was something my friend FireWolf came up with and I decided to make a story about it. If you like it and want me to start another chapter like and comment below okay! Thanks. Hmm.... Anything else before I leave...... Oh right. Be sure to check the background story thing on my friends account on Undertale Amino. Okay bye now

ElementTale-A new AU of Undertale Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt