my family

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She is Nona

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She is Nona. She is beautiful but just imagine her with out all the accessories. Her eyes are a soft shade of green and yellow. And ignore the name. I created that thing on a website and for a different character.... ANYWAYS THAT'S NOW KNOWN AS NONA.

(1 year later)

"Shira! Wake up wake up wake up come on the sun is already over the horizon!"

I groan and lift my pale head looking at my sister who is as alive and hyper as always. "Alright alright." I look around for Baara but see no sign of his dark orange color. "Wher-" "oh dad took him out
hunting!" I'm cut off by my sister's outburst making me chuckle softly.

She hops a bit and calls loudly, "COME ON GET UP THE PEACE ROCK IS PROBABLY CROWDED BY NOW!!" I groan at her loudness and stand up shakily before leaping at my sister who is alot larger than me. I land on her back and she stands up to her full height easily without a problem.

Yes I'm the runt of my liter but yet I'm supposed to be the oldest, I don't know how that works but I don't mind, it just means I get free rides.

She giggles as she jogs off at a fast pace towards the light of our cave. I bounce softly on her back but keep my paws wrapped around her torso, claws sheathed. We break out of the dark and into the light and instantly get yelled at,.. well,.. mainly me.

"GET OFF YOUR SISTER YOU FREE LOADER!" I smile wide and slide off Nona and prance over to grandpa with shaky legs. "GRANDPA!!" I shout as I launch at him with a short leap, landing a few inches away from him.

My legs colapse below me and I skid on the ground, my muzzle taps the ragged stiff fur of his tail. He lets out a sigh as I jump up and leap into his belly giggling as I rub my dirt filled fur in his coat.

He groans and nudges me away from him with his body. I flop onto the ground but quickly stand up only to be pushed back down by his mighty paw. "NOOO NONAH HELF MER!!" grandpa chuckles as paws pound towards us and my strong sister leaps onto grandpa's foreleg and starts nipping and nawing on it.

Grandpa easily shakes her off and smears me across the dirt making me laugh as I struggle. "You evil tiger let my baby sister go!!" Nona cries out as she lunges back at his leg striking it with her paws and snapping at his fur.

I push his toe off my head and shout, "I'M OLDER THAN YOU!!" the toe overpowers my strength and colapses back on my face as I struggle with it. She pauses as grandpa lifts and shakes his paw around with her clinging to it. "I KNow bUt YouR smAlLer!!" She says as she clings for dear life.

I raise his toe up again and start nawing on his pad before he lifts it up and I wrap my fore legs around it, digging my claws into his thick fur. "Why you little ankle bitters. You dare TO CHALLENGE THE GREAT TIGER!! I'LL EAT YOU FOR A SNACK!!!" He rolls onto his side then his back as Nona flips around so she is up right.

Grandpa starts flailing around viciously making us slip and cling and fly around like rag dolls. A powerful but kind voice calls out making grandpa freeze dramatically.


I giggle softly as I slide off his paw and down his leg before I lay on his stomach, the world spinning and tipping side to side. Nora jumps off his paw and staggers before face planting into me making me yowl in surprise and roll off grandpa and onto the dirt floor.

"That,. WAS,.. f-.. fun.. let's.. Ugghh! nap..." I say in a slurred voice before snatching my sister and cuddling up to her, she does the same as mom comes over and scolds grandpa before pawing our forms making us look up at her.

"Come on. We need to go to the peace rock." Me and my sister groan loudly before colapsing back down and holding each other. Mom stays neutral as she bats us again making us slide across the ground a little.

"UP!!" She orders making me shoot up on instinct but tumble back down since Nona was tangled up with me. "OW!" "Okay sto-" "HEY NO STOP MO-" "ouch don't!" "WATCH THE CLAWS!" "OoooooUUUUCH!!" the last one is said in unison as we both struggle then tumble away from each other in separate heaps of fur.

Grandpa chuckles as he smacks our forms around like balls of moss. I sprawl out and dig my claws into the ground before jumping over his incoming paw and landing shakily on the other side.

I clamber hastily away and towards mom's soft cream colored fur that is watching silently a soft smile on her face. I prance up to her and she scowls at my dirty self.

My sister dances over happily and stands beside me looking up at mom. She looks from between us before sighing exasperatedly and says, "Come on we'll get you cleaned up by the spring than its straight to the peace rock."we smile and hoot and holler happily as we race off towards the spring to swim.

Mom calls after us yelling, "I SAID WE- ugh never mind. Come on dad." Me and my sister race through the bushes and grass, her passing me up easily. I whimper and push myself harder but to no avail. I reach the stream after my sister and leap into the water with a splash.

My sister swims over and paws at me washing off the dirt. I turn and do the same to her as my hind paws station myself on the pebbles so I don't sink. I focus on cleaning her up and when we're done grandpa clambers into the water and picks me out of the water and placing me on one of the big rocks while mom picks Nona and places her next to me.

Mom laps the water off of us making fur stick up in wet clumps. Grandpa watches smirking as we groan and grumble at the second bath. After she finishes she leans down so we can climb on her back.

We smile and do so. I climb up last, my legs shake and tremble from the lack of strength in them. I start to slide off mom's back as she walks but Nona grabs me before I fall and pulls me back up next to her.

After a few minutes of traveling we finally come to the cliff that leads down to the water hole. I squeel in anticipation and grandpa picks me and my sister up by our tails and drops us on the ground.

I shout a thanks to him and speed past mom before we slowly clamber down the rocks. We reach the bottom with a leap and me and Nona both trip and tumble across the ground, groaning softly.

A deep voice chuckles and nudges us before it states, "now why would such tiny balls of fur be rolling around in a place like this." Nona and I jump up and squeel happily as we slam into our dad as hard as possible.

He chuckles softly and sweeps us into his stomach with his massive paw, holding us there for a second before mom comes over and rubs the side of her face against the side of his. Papa let's us go as we scamper over to the water where our brother is fighting with a stick.

We sneak towards him and once we are in range I flick the tip of my tail as a signal and we launch our selves at him. We land in water as our brother laughs from behind us. "I knew you were there the whole time!" He boast happily.

I clamber out of the water and roll my eyes at him, "we almost had you that time Baara." He shakes his head stubornly, "no you didn't you weren't even close." Nona growls and pounces on him tackling him to the ground and rolling around with him.

I smile but think twice about joining in the fight when I see them using claws. Papa quickly comes over and breaks up the fight easily and sends us off to play with others and to explore.

Jungle Book 2016 (Tiger OC)Where stories live. Discover now