Not My Day

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I wake up to the sound of the blender running on full blast downstairs. I grab the pillow next to me and push it over my head trying to block out the irritating sound. Ever since high school I have not been a morning person, I guess it was the several all nighter I'd had to pull.

"Dipper!"I heard Mabel yell from downstairs, Always to energized. I moned, pressing the pillow down harder on my head.

"Dipper you have to get up!" She yelled.

A lot of things changed after high school. Our parents took new jobs the required them to travel throughout Mabel and I's high school years. I wasn't any more popular in high school, then I was in middle school. Even less so. It didn't help that I came out my freshmen year. I had read in an LGBT support group that coming out would help me feel more in control. I found that Instead, it leads to years of bullying. Since my parents were gone, Mabel was the only one there for me. Ever since she can't help but still see me as a broken kid.

I lift the pillow and grab my phone to check the time.

"Mabel Its eight o'clock on a Saturday!" I shout back at her a little ticked off. I drop my phone and roll up in my covers. I could tell that Mabel had given up for the moment so I tried to go back to sleep, with no luck. I kick my covers off and sit up. I yawn as I stand up, stretching my arms out. I check the date on the calendar on the wall.

"It's been a whole month of living here with Mabel," I mumble to my self.

After we graduated, our great uncles asked us if we wanted to look over the shack while they went sailing for six months. Excited to go back to Gravity falls, where people knew I was gay and didn't hate me for it. I starting packing right away. Mabel, I'm sure had your own intentions, and we moved in a week later.

I walk over to the mirror in my on top of my dresser. My reflection shows a young man with shaggy brown hair and tired green eyes. Wearing only Pj pants even though I could have sworn I went to bed with a shirt on. I shake my head and change out of the Pj pants and put on some old genes with a black T-shirt. I look down at myself from my fuzzy yellow socked feet to my tangled hair. I shrug and walk out of my room. I took Great Uncle Fords room to allow Mabel to have the entire attic.

Once I reached the bottom of the stairs I could her Mabel talking to someone in the kitchen. I shuffled into the kitchen to see Soos in a suit and the hat Grunkel Stan used to wear, talking to Mabel while drinking a coffee. Mabel looks over from her perch on the counter.

"Hey, sleepy Bro Bro want some Mabel juice to wake you up?" Mabel asks jumping down. Somethings never change.

"No thanks " I yawn  "Coffee this morning. So what's the plan for today?" I ask as I set up the coffee machine to make a cup of coffee.

"I've got a full day of showing the people the wonders of this town" Soo shares with a look of utmost pride on his face."

"Annnnd!"  Mabel shouts, making me jump. "Soos said I get to help scam the customers!"

"Oh" I sigh a bit disappointed. "I thought you said we would check out the forest some today."

Mabel smacked her forehead. "I forgot about that!" she groaned.

"I'll have to rain check Dipper Soos needs me, Melody went to visit her family this weekend so It will just be Soos Wendy and me." I pick up my cup of coffee and take a sip.

"It's no problem Mabel we can go together another time." Mabel flung her arms around my neck and nuzzled my cheek.

"Thank you so much Bro Bro and I Promise we can go another time soon."

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