Chapter 23

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Chapter 23


                I never want to leave her, but she doesn't want to be guarded up. So Lia still works at the café. I drive her morning and pick her after she's done.

                I contacted everything but Dylan has been changing address. He knows what he is doing and Lia's birthday is almost near. I want him dead and buried.

                I can't get to the police's way and there giving me no information - I'm getting desperate to kill him - to find him.


                "Raleigh, what are you thinking?" I asked him as he was so serious.

                "Nothing Lia" he told me and I sat beside him, cuddled with him and then he told me "Lia, I want you to move-in."

                "Are you sure? I mean do you really want me - I don't want you to get hurt - someone is trying to kill me - it's not that I don't want too - I just want you to be sure about it." I told him.

                "Lia - why? - why do you always tell me that. From the start- I should have left you with your attacker - next to this Dylan - Lia, you thrill me and I need that most of all I need you." He said like he was over it.

                "Mmm." I sighed.

                "Please Lia - Please." He pleaded.

                "Okay, I will but I still need my privacy at some point. Like an extra bedroom - if ever I'll be mad at you" I said smiling at him.

                "Yes! You just made me the luckiest guy ever living." He said.

                "Let's start tomorrow." He said. And I just nodded I was happy that I'm moving with him too. Feeling safe, happy, comfortable and occupied.

                "Raleigh, please don't ever leave me - you're the only person that gives me the emotional contentment - you gave me the meaning of living and loving - you're saving me from me." I told him and tears coming from my eye.

                "Why are you crying then?" he asked me startled.

                "Because I'm happy that I met you. And you love me - and I can't ask for more." And I started crying.

                "Lia your sweetness is killing me." He said chuckling.

                "It's not funny - it's true." I told him.

                "I know it's just that you're cute when you do that." He said and he whispered "I can never let you go."

                After dinner we felt tired and headed straight to bed. We were soundly sleeping when I felt Raleigh move and stood up. I looked at the clock and it was 1AM.

                "Raleigh?" I asked him.

                "Ssssshhhhh" he said and peeped to the window and looked at the direction of my house. He looks serious than ever. Then he took a gun from his night stand.

                "Raleigh, what's going on?" looking at him shocked.

                Then we went down and I followed him. When he opened the door a car had sped off. And he was holding the gun to the ground.

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