Chapter One

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I used to be hella famous on wattpad but then my twitter got hacked and since i had my account linked so did my wattpad!

I actually ended up leaving the 5sos/1D fam for almost a year because i was so upset about my accounts getting hacked (25.7k and calum's follow down the drain)  but i always lowkey obbessed!

Anyways im starting to get back into it and id really appriciate your support! Please favorite/comment on my story! Let me know if you like it or have any ideas! Love you guys 💖



Waking up to your mother screaming from the bottom of the stairs isn't exactly ideal, but it was a daily occurance that I had to deal with. Just like any normal high schooler I struggled to get out of bed every morning. I would much rather spend my days binging on ice cream and watching Grey's Anatomy. I mean, who really enjoys going to school?

"Cali, you only have 15 minutes to get ready! Get your ass up," I heard my mother scream at me, again. With that being said I quickly rolled out of bed, threw on a pair of skinny jeans, a loose band shirt and threw my hair up into a messy bun. Mornings like these were not abnormal.

Sometimes I wish I could be one of those girls who looks effortlessly flawless every day but unfortunately I'm way too lazy. I don't see the point in spending two hours to get ready when I have no one to impress.

I'm not your average girl. Sure, I might come off as a fake blonde who only knows Smells Like Teen Spirit by Nirvana but that's not true. Heart Shaped Box happens to be my favorite song. Most girls at my school are like that, but I'm not.

You see, I enjoy long walks on the beach as much as anyone else but I also love just sitting in a room by myself and jamming out to punk rock music

I had a lack of friends and the guys at my school are slobs who only want one thing, sex. I go to a school filled with air heads who score one touch down and think they own the place.

Calum Hood, the quarter back, has girls begging at his feet, just waiting to get stepped on. Every morning I get the honor of being table partners in English with him and his friends Michael, Ashton, and Luke. 

Girls at my school would kill to be in my poisition, but i would kill to get out of it. All those boys ever talk about is "hitting and quitting" it as if females were only sex toys to them.

If they put as much effort into studying as they did thinking about sexual activities they would be straight A students. Luckily for them, our english teacher is fresh out of college and fresh out of the gym. I get the joys of spending my 5th period class tuning in on how hard all of them would bang her.

Calum, Michael, Luke, and Ashton might have their looks going for them, but they also have a nice taste in music too. During the off season for football they're in this band that they started themselves, Five Seconds Of Summer.

I strongly believe that this band is the reason why we have so many wanna be punk rock girls in our school. I will admit that they're music is almost as great as their football skills.

"Cali if youre not down here in two minutes I'm leaving you," My mom shouted interupting me from my thoughts. "I'm coming, I'm coming," I mumble as I run down the stairs and grab a banana to eat on the way.

My mom says "we've got to get going love," softly to my little sister as she kisses her cheek. Sometimes I'm envious of their relationship. She catches me glaring at them and snips at me. "What are you looking at? We've got to get going," She says as she pushes my sister and I out the door and into our brand new Mercedes.  

When the car turns on the first thing you hear is ESPN, which means mom has been seeing her on and off again boyfriend, Phil. "I'm guessing you've been seeing Phil?" I ask as I roll my eyes which was a bad decision. "I don't understand why you dislike Phil so much," she says as she backs out of the driveway.

"He's a prick who is only using you for sex," I raise my voice and move around in the seat. I immediately regret saying that as my little sister goes "mommy, what's sex?" which earns me the death glare.

An awkward silence fell upon us so  I started to daze off, thinking what it would be like if my life was just a little bit different. If my dad wouldn't have passed away I wouldn't have given up on cheer leading, and would have never fallen off the face of the planet. If he wouldn't have passed away I would still have my boyfriend.

My dad passed away a little over six months. Losing a parent is horrible, but losing the parent who cared the most about you is the worst.

My father was the kind of man to give your friends nicknames that way he'd always know who you were talking about. He came to every practice when my own mother barely made it to any games. He supported everything I did even when he couldn't financially afford it.

The night it he passed i could hardly breathe.

He was checking the mail late at night and a driver under the influence came crusing by. The driver was going so fast that my father died on impact. It took place right ouside my bedroom window and i was fast asleep.

I remember my mom shaking me. I sat up concerned as I pulled out my head phones. Ironically Wake Me Up When September ends was playing.

He was my best friend, and now he's the angel looking after me.

There was a red light causing my mom to slam on her breaks. I slam my head against the car window which breaks me away from my thoughts.  You'd figure that a brand new Mercedes would have great breaks, right? That's exactly why we collided with the car in front of us.

"What a fantastic way to avoid the subject mother," I chime sarcastically. "You are just like your father," she mumbles as she puts the car in park. As soon as she opens the door to get out the person in front of us does the same. I saw curly brown hair, and then I saw his face.

After avoiding eye contact with Calum Hood for six months our eyes finally connect.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 16, 2016 ⏰

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