“No Raleigh please. I don’t do anything special – really even on any birthdays that I had. Just me and Jamie.” I told him. And added “Raleigh, don’t give me something expensive and don’t throw parties.”

                It’s still months away. But I can really tell his up to something.

                We were done and I went up to shower. Dressed up and Raleigh fixed his self too.

                I went down fed Parker, gave his vitamins and pet him. When Raleigh shouted “Lia, were going.”

                “I’m coming.” Then left Parker in his cage.

                I went to grab my bag and locked the door and got in Raleigh’s car. We arrived at the café. And Selene hugged me and said “I’ve missed you so much.”

                Then gave her a glass bauble from London. “Oh this is cute.” She said and thanked me.

                Then went to change and straight to the counter.

                “Good morning handsome, what can I get you?” I asked Raleigh.

                “1 Vanilla Latte with cinnamon sprinkle and 3 chocolate Mocha Latte.” He ordered.

                “Right away, just a moment please.” I told him and helped Selene.

                “Here’s your order and that’ll be on me.” I told him.

                “No, I’m paying and I can pay my shits.” He said trying to copy me.

                “Ah, too bad – not today.” I told him and smiled.

                “Lia?” he said.

                “No really.” I told him.

                “Okay thank you and I’ll see you later.” He said and waved goodbye.

                As usual people order and go. When I had a glimpse outside, a man was standing with brown leather jacket. Had glasses on, at his 40’s and I really looked at him and it was Dylan. I stepped back and is gasping for air. I felt so scared and Selene tapped me and said “Lia, are you okay?”

                Then I looked back to where he was standing and he was gone.

                Selene looked at me with worried face and said “Lia, do you need a break?”

                “No, I’m fine – can I just – 5 minutes please.” And left her.

                I went to grab my bag and searched my phone. I pressed the speed dial and it was ringing.

                Raleigh then answered and as he was saying Hello. I was already talking.

                “Raleigh! He was here! Please. I’m scared, he was here! He knows where I am.” I told him sobbing.

                “Lia, calm down and tell me who was it!” he said almost shouting.

                “Dylan.” I said and he hanged up.

                It wasn’t a while and I was still there at the storage room. Then someone knocked and said “Lia, it’s me Raleigh. Open up now.”

                I opened up and hugged him.

                “Raleigh please don’t let him get me. Please.” I pleaded and my cry was all over his shirt.

                “Lia, I won’t  - he won’t touch you.” He said.

                Then Selene came and asks us. What was going on? Raleigh told her everything and she was shocked.

                “Selene, I need to get Lia to the police.” He said looking at Selene.

                “Of course, you have to. Go!” she said looking at me then hugged and said “Take care” and I waved her goodbye.

                Raleigh stormed to his car and was looking around. He then came in and started driving and grabbed his phone dialed someone and just said “Ill meet you there.”

                “Who was that Raleigh?” I asked him.

                He didn’t answer and he dialed someone again and told on the phone “He’s still alive and I need your help now.”

                We arrived at the police station and saw Johnson, Matthew and Caleb. We went inside and they did everything I was there sitting when Raleigh sat with me and said “Lia, a cartoonist will see you and you will describe his face. Is that okay?”

                “Yes, can you please be there?” then he nodded and grabbed my hand and went inside a small room with the cartoonist.

                I described his face and after everything was done. Raleigh with Johnson and his sons’ waited to the waiting area. We sat there for almost 10minutes we were all silent.

                I whispered to Raleigh “Why are they here?” – And he answered “They know everyone here.”

                Then a police officer came and said “Please follow me and we all went inside then we were in front of a 2 officer “This is Detective Ivan and your cartoonist Frank.” He said and I was looking at them.

                “Lia, please take a seat.” Ivan said.

                “I want you to tell me if this is Dylan that you are referring too.” Frank said.

                He showed me pictures and I said “No.”

                “No” for the second – “No” for sixth time.

                And at the 7th picture it was him.

                “Yes. That’s him – that’s him.” I told them.

                Then Raleigh and Johnson with his son looked at the picture.


                It was 13 years ago when I killed Emelie – Lia’s mom, the love of my life. I loved her since I met her – she saw me kissing someone and she left me with that stupid man – Chris. I begged Emelie to come back but it was too late. She’s pregnant and having Lia. I was frustrated, mad and I will get whatever she had – I killed her, Chris and their 6-year old son, I was to kill her daughter but she looked like her very much, so I let her live. And I’ll take her when she gets 21.

                I always sit outside her house on Sunday. It’s my routine. But she never notices me. Then this Raleigh came and disrupts my planes. Plans to get her marry her and have children’s with me – like Emelie should have- it’s just a month and she’s ready to marry me.

                I showed at her workplace when she saw and stand frozen. Yes! She looked at me. She wants to marry me. The path of true love is never smooth. I need to be patient. She loves me. I knew it.

PLEASE do comment or message me on how my story had gone so far. nobody sent their feedback.. and thank you for sticking out until this chapter. thank you very much.

FINALLY, Defining Love (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now