On Behalf of Boyfriends About to Leave for College

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I am not worth loving.

And never could I truly whisper:

I am yours. You can trust me.

That isn't true. Really,

I am leaving you behind.

And believing

I can love you all the way from college,

Is stupid. Because I know,

Hooking up and getting drunk

Is what I really want.

Counting the minutes and saving your letters

Will not make me happy.

Pretending like we didn't happen

Will be painful at first, but in the end, it will make us happy.

And being apart but staying together

Would leave us devastated.

Breaking up

Will benefit us both.

I know that continuing to love each other like we do

Can't be true.

But I don't think we...

(read from the bottom.)

On Behalf of Boyfriends About to Leave for CollegeWhere stories live. Discover now